0.4.0 (2025-03-14)
- cid: add job to publish docs to cloudflare pages (95d731a)
- github: add reusable workflow for docs deployment (0053dd8)
- io: add function to generate and save separate and combined metrics tables (5c8d858)
- io: check and log error for mismatching data download hashes (4b5a75b)
- io: check data download hashes before and after download preprocessing (8653653)
- io: log dataset hash on load (cd00e8a)
- io: optionally check file hashes when (de)serializing json files (0b63cc6)
- just: add docs recipes (2e3bfaa)
- labels: add docs-preview (7910f2c)
- plots: add functions to render graphical model sketches (186ef1e)
- plots: draft lineage fate correlation plot (ee3ae34)
- plots: serialize figure layout and its panels separately (74254ce)
- plots: set base for report (2049cd8)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for plot_gene_ranking (d5bcbe1)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for plot_parameter_posteriors (989c19b)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for plot_vector_field_summary (3685fd8)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for rainbowplot (f205304)
- plots: use mae percentile in gene ranking plot (e6b5343)
- pyproject: install of pytest-xdist and note condition to enable (d7f9823)
- serialization: optionally load as sparse (9a3d50e)
- styles: add function to set matplotlib style globally (e682a63)
- styles: add module for explicit specification of colors (7622639)
- tasks: draft time fate correlation task (d07e961)
- tests: add function to generate fixture data (3986cd4)
- tests: add function to generate postprocessed fixture data (793a72e)
- tests: add preprocessed pancreas 50x13 fixture data (0c71a68)
- tests: test ability to load and log data string diff with serialized (a7ec817)
- utils: add function to compute file hashes (7ede4bc)
- utils: add function to compute the quartile coefficient of dispersion (63115c9)
- utils: include size and category information in data string representation (04b8e7d)
- workflows: add accelerator_type to WorkflowConfiguration (d306c48)
- workflows: add demo flag (7a55e69)
- workflows: add human bone marrow configuration (fdda157)
- workflows: add larry monocyte precursor configuration (168af3e)
- workflows: add larry multilineage configuration (0232207)
- workflows: add larry neutrophil precursor configuration (055d1e0)
- workflows: add pbmc10k configuration (a36ad8e)
- workflows: add pbmc5k configuration (c11cd9c)
- workflows: add selected genes configuration to data sets (8755cde)
- workflows: add task to generate time lineage fate correlation analysis (e5a69c4)
- workflows: enable execution for human bone marrow data (c118a5c)
- workflows: enable execution for larry monocyte precursor data (8464429)
- workflows: enable execution for larry multilineage data (d0321ca)
- workflows: enable execution for larry neutrophil precursor data (441d9e9)
- workflows: enable execution for pbmc10k data (43e0658)
- workflows: enable execution for pbmc5k data (db73f75)
- workflows: enable execution for pons data (3b2ef4b)
- workflows: enable larry data model selection (57d27d3)
- workflows: enable pbmc68k model selection (8a6c997)
- workflows: use WorkflowConfiguration accelerator_type to override train_model accelerator (1978a25)
Bug Fixes
- analysis: add max genes per bin argument to top_mae_genes (b0d0e76)
- analysis: add shadow support for jax arrays (46ad2b5)
- analysis: parameterize top mae genes gene filter (890244b)
- analysis: remove unused comments from compute_volcano_data (d62db2f)
- analysis: remove unused list wrappers (c2efd4f)
- analysis: update compute volcano data interface types (8af8450)
- analysis: update mae_per_gene function and add docstring (0ac2cdf)
- bazel: add mplstyle as data (5f3bcba)
- cid: build only minimal container (8bf5ba2)
- cid: distinguish sphinx docs job (18604fd)
- cid: ignore manuscript workflow (4821cd7)
- cid: ignore push to reproducibility directory (d2bcf68)
- cid: observe nix store disk usage (38bfcfb)
- cid: run nix-channel update to disable warnings (ad9c4f5)
- cid: separate docs preview and publish (745c0b0)
- cid: set hydra outputs artifact name from set-variables outputs (32e400f)
- cid: update cachix config for #200 (4568b63)
- cid: update docs build commands (139e6e1)
- cid: use checkout branch for cloudflare docs (5338e55)
- cid: use default github token (9cb6825)
- ci: update cachix config for #200 (d3bb57e)
- codecov: temporarily set default threshold to 20% (588a46b)
- containers: add main dep group to package envs (4ddabb3)
- deploy-docs-cloudflare: pin yarn version (d4a9354)
- deps: explicitly lower bound dill (cb2bbbe)
- dvc: specify ignored subdirectory (9359211)
- ensembl_batch: generalize in migration to expression (c3181f0)
- envrc: fix direnv notice spacing (dfd3e90)
- flake: containers only build on
(e4ed20d) - flake: default to disabled ghcr (93bab6a)
- flake: default to disabled github (6125965)
- flake: disable github for image builds (4bd844d)
- flake: fix imageFiles for containerImage (e65b63a)
- flake: lock nixpod’s home-manager input to 24.11 (45374a0)
- flake: override ghcr ids (4fb9151)
- flake: reenable manifest github data (f92d066)
- flake: remove aarch64 cross-compilation comment (5cdfcd9)
- flake: remove extra ghcr params (a212fb7)
- flake: set 500MiB download-buffer-size (d4b819b)
- flake: temp pin nixpkgs to 24.11-beta (7798b25)
- flake: update flocken interface (224561f)
- gitignore: add luarc.json (c5aa832)
- gitignore: add node_modules (efe63cd)
- gitignore: add output for rattler-build (09ffa56)
- gitignore: ignore node (5c53f51)
- interfaces: add default factory for preprocess selected_genes empty list (be70f2c)
- io: add debug logging of attempted serialization dictionary to serialize anndata (7910665)
- io: change sparsification notice from warning to debug level (b33d7b4)
- io: default to sans serif in table tex wrapper (260af1f)
- io: expose density threshold parameter in (c8b0cf3)
- io: increase default compression level for posterior samples (160f857)
- io: log data hash on pickle save/load (5a0c660)
- io: restore types when deserializing json (ea08a4a)
- io: serialize
(86e54f0) - io: use dill to support pickling matplotlib objects (daf7716)
- io: write data sets modified on download (560e31f)
- just: docs-setup -> docs-build (fa46927)
- make: reference cloudflare vars (592cbfe)
- make: test-cov-xml defers to pyproject for pytest markers (2f82907)
- manuscript: bold custom caption headings (c59c182)
- manuscript: comment showframe and layout to print page layout (a5aba5d)
- manuscript: reduce spacing above title (3e0e59c)
- manuscript: use bold panel references (b602c35)
- manuscript: use dvipsnamed email color (41f386e)
- manuscript: use dvipsnames (b7c2618)
- models: include std of predictive samples in posterior dict (2dc9414)
- models: mark apparently unused sample sites (4684551)
- models: retain gene ranking data for all genes (0217660)
- nix: add explicit “main” group (f3f78e0)
- nix: add just to extraDevPackages for devShells (100826f)
- nix: disable dontCheckRuntimeDeps (385c68e)
- nix: disable pyrovelocity checkphase markers network and slow (d4487cf)
- nix: disable quarto overlay (default to nixpkgs) (1379c3a)
- nix: dontCheckRuntimeDeps (b4493fd)
- nix: nullify quarto python3 (0f02743)
- nix: reenable grpcio wheel on Darwin (65576b0)
- nix: update ctan packages (028fa53)
- plots: accept
input type (03889ba) - plots: add legend data to cell type plot (d8d277d)
- plots: add parameter to truncate high error genes by percentile (1e2b244)
- plots: allow scaled measures as well as vector fields (4f5d517)
- plots: allow setting axis-level label for colorbars (1972b79)
- plots: automatically increment axis indices in lineage fate correlation (0845fab)
- plots: default parameter posteriors to box plot (dfe987f)
- plots: default to CV in vector field plot (9529dd7)
- plots: disable default box plot (320cb9a)
- plots: disable text axes in self-generated figure (8a93aa6)
- plots: disable transparency in lineage fate correlation (ff63d31)
- plots: enable type-checking of plot lineage fate correlation (4843c4b)
- plots: export lineage fate correlation plot from plots package (601e0c8)
- plots: filter invalid adjustText warning (5e57d40)
- plots: filter invalid adjustText warning if logger is available (508ee80)
- plots: force min-max colorbar tick labels for bounded variables (13e3afd)
- plots: include median in parameter plots (9bfa149)
- plots: include time and angle uncertainty (f45f308)
- plots: increase box plot width (0913328)
- plots: make mae scale default for gene ranking (c0a0d27)
- plots: make posterior time titles and colorbar optional (f3cf7aa)
- plots: move reporting function imports to docstring (8f85769)
- plots: optionally force recomputation of volcano data (c2ede44)
- plots: organize reporting function for use in summarization task (c5a284d)
- plots: parameterize inclusion of complete angular scale (f31d116)
- plots: parameterize posterior time color map (155a131)
- plots: parameterize state color dictionary (5aab2a5)
- plots: parameterize transparency of posterior time (0aa0db1)
- plots: parametrize rainbow plot default fontsize (03eea70)
- plots: pass boxplot flag to parameter posteriors (1d71472)
- plots: reduce likelihood of mutation by copying mutated input (321dfca)
- plots: remove additional unused comments from posterior predictive extrapolation (8174ff9)
- plots: remove redundant data input from lineage fate correlation (978c2d0)
- plots: remove unused comment from posterior predictive extrapolation (44cd705)
- plots: reorder angle uncertainty of lineage fate correlation (7683f2e)
- plots: retain order of selected genes in report (4cd2ac7)
- plots: set posterior time default plot type to hexbin (6fcb630)
- plots: set rainbow default plot type to hexbin (b5a99ac)
- plots: set vector field uncertainty default plot type to hexbin (e875f2e)
- plots: show mean and CV histograms in shared time uncertainty (7db1074)
- plots: synchronize vector field color map with rainbowplots (76ffc3f)
- plots: type-check get clone trajectory function (7f438b3)
- plots: unpack width ratios in rainbow plot (40b57d2)
- plots: update lineage fate correlation titles and font size (c83153e)
- plots: update major log tick labels for parameter posteriors (daabaee)
- plots: update report dpi (388cdb5)
- plots: update vector field summary interface (e900db0)
- plots: update vector field summary plot (8986fc6)
- plots: use black box plots (917ee7f)
- plots: use gridspec for shared time uncertainty plot (46c28c5)
- plots: use pandas regex str replacement in lineage fate correlation (34cfd15)
- plots: use pure text title for plot gene ranking (e0c9466)
- plots: use QCD instead of CV in shared time histogram (fd6c652)
- plots: use quartile coefficient of dispersion to quantify temporal uncertainty (a90e182)
- plots: use vector field basis in shared time uncertainty plot (4fb202b)
- pre-commit: disable prettier (d7e11e4)
- pre-commit: disable prettier (8d2d266)
- preprocess: use sc for umap (b615912)
- pyproject: define network marker and disable by default (b849c4f)
- pyproject: pin poetry-core <2 (d0b8515)
- pyproject: set 3.12-compatible pillow lower bound (74b04f8)
- rattler: add dill (85e7da4)
- rattler: pin deps for 0.4.0b4 (d29fb71)
- rattler: pin poetry
(f12a6ce) - report: update docstring (02457d7)
- setup_environment: ratchet upgrade action (3be1247)
- sparsity: decrease default density threshold to 0.3 (9d8eee1)
- styles: enable unicode in latex (febd9a8)
- styles: remove unused mplstyle key (dc77b0d)
- summarize: make absence of independent vector field summary explicit (93a743b)
- summarize: use constant cell type colors (74ec198)
- tasks: add row labels and external legend (fde8e62)
- tasks: add soft support for selected genes to preprocessing (d3227ac)
- tasks: import reporting functions in summarize task (bfb4599)
- tasks: include column-level colorbars in gridspec (6bfb6fb)
- tasks: map time fate correlation over all data set configurations (3e301b7)
- tasks: refactor time fate correlation and note redundancy with workflow task (f738c7b)
- tasks: reorganize summarize in preparation for integration of reporting module (21543d5)
- tasks: set 4 columns for time fate correlation legend (a9b559b)
- tasks: set min mae percentile from candidate dataframe length (9f6e601)
- tasks: set top mae genes max genes per bin to 5 (1952b43)
- tasks: update time lineage fate correlation layout parameters (9b8e3a9)
- tasks: update time lineage fate correlation legend spacing (68a82d1)
- tasks: update vector field summary parameters (73352bf)
- tasks: use parameterized state color dictionary (e5b9719)
- tasks: use report instead of plot gene summary (2808a98)
- teller: add reference cloudflare vars (29628c0)
- test_compressedpickle: make compatible with xdist execution (53ea888)
- test_preprocess: add network marker (5b4800a)
- test_summarize: mark as slow integration test (84e7ad0)
- tests: add processed data fixture (24e8d28)
- tests: add serialization test for uns dict with nested numpy array (6d376d9)
- tests: add unprocessed data fixture (d520dcc)
- tests: exercise hash check in data serialization (9163a92)
- tests: load preprocessed deserialized data fixture globally (8752319)
- tests: note handling of selected genes in generate fixture data (351bc17)
- tests: rename small deserialized data fixture in plots (a096c8c)
- tests: update fixture name for preprocessed_3_4 in plot histograms (4198735)
- top_mae_genes: handle small data sets (bb69eb8)
- utils: add array-based type class aliases (81aef5d)
- utils: include type in dictionary log (24c3f27)
- utils: log data hash on load (cd56435)
- utils: remove unused comments (9292cdd)
- vscode: autosave on window change (17281d4)
- vscode: disable conflicting json formatting (3c7b3fe)
- workflow: remove manual definition of L4 GPUAccelerator (7d0da7e)
- workflows: add extra large training resource requests and limits (468bc6b)
- workflows: add posterior samples and postprocessed data to summarize outputs class (c32f530)
- workflows: import cache flag from constants (784f276)
- workflows: import contants in configuration (0741330)
- workflows: import contants in workflow (121381c)
- workflows: include individual metric tables in CombinedMetricsOutputs (c418960)
- workflows: include png in time lineage fate correlation plot uploads (bd51032)
- workflows: increase timeouts for long-running tasks (cda7d32)
- workflows: io.json -> io.metrics (39f28af)
- workflows: load dotenv in constants (13a5313)
- workflows: log env from constants (d2ca2fc)
- workflows: log warnings when cluster config files not found (e40270f)
- workflows: reenable simulated and pancreas data (cc59182)
- workflows: remove unused imports (21ac5df)
- workflows: remove unused training arguments (5598ef6)
- workflows: reset configurations (9ef2a76)
- workflows: reset constants to default values (70dc44e)
- workflows: reset training configurations list (4f4bb3a)
- workflows: set dev mode to use dev image tag (8e2037c)
- workflows: upload figure object files (a77f19e)
- workflows: use correct WorkflowConfiguration field name (bbafdfd)
- workflows: use helper function to generate and save metrics tables (e43baff)
- workflows: use overwrite cache variable to set default value (610d7cc)
- workflows: use SummarizeConfiguration to access selected genes (46d4df1)
0.4.0-beta.5 (2025-03-13)
- cid: add job to publish docs to cloudflare pages (95d731a)
- github: add reusable workflow for docs deployment (0053dd8)
- io: add function to generate and save separate and combined metrics tables (5c8d858)
- io: check and log error for mismatching data download hashes (4b5a75b)
- io: check data download hashes before and after download preprocessing (8653653)
- io: log dataset hash on load (cd00e8a)
- io: optionally check file hashes when (de)serializing json files (0b63cc6)
- just: add docs recipes (2e3bfaa)
- labels: add docs-preview (7910f2c)
- plots: add functions to render graphical model sketches (186ef1e)
- plots: draft lineage fate correlation plot (ee3ae34)
- plots: serialize figure layout and its panels separately (74254ce)
- plots: set base for report (2049cd8)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for plot_gene_ranking (d5bcbe1)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for plot_parameter_posteriors (989c19b)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for plot_vector_field_summary (3685fd8)
- plots: support SubplotSpec for rainbowplot (f205304)
- plots: use mae percentile in gene ranking plot (e6b5343)
- pyproject: install of pytest-xdist and note condition to enable (d7f9823)
- serialization: optionally load as sparse (9a3d50e)
- styles: add function to set matplotlib style globally (e682a63)
- styles: add module for explicit specification of colors (7622639)
- tasks: draft time fate correlation task (d07e961)
- tests: add function to generate fixture data (3986cd4)
- tests: add function to generate postprocessed fixture data (793a72e)
- tests: add preprocessed pancreas 50x13 fixture data (0c71a68)
- tests: test ability to load and log data string diff with serialized (a7ec817)
- utils: add function to compute file hashes (7ede4bc)
- utils: add function to compute the quartile coefficient of dispersion (63115c9)
- utils: include size and category information in data string representation (04b8e7d)
- workflows: add demo flag (7a55e69)
- workflows: add selected genes configuration to data sets (8755cde)
- workflows: add task to generate time lineage fate correlation analysis (e5a69c4)
Bug Fixes
- analysis: add max genes per bin argument to top_mae_genes (b0d0e76)
- analysis: add shadow support for jax arrays (46ad2b5)
- analysis: parameterize top mae genes gene filter (890244b)
- analysis: remove unused comments from compute_volcano_data (d62db2f)
- analysis: remove unused list wrappers (c2efd4f)
- analysis: update compute volcano data interface types (8af8450)
- analysis: update mae_per_gene function and add docstring (0ac2cdf)
- bazel: add mplstyle as data (5f3bcba)
- cid: build only minimal container (8bf5ba2)
- cid: distinguish sphinx docs job (18604fd)
- cid: ignore manuscript workflow (4821cd7)
- cid: observe nix store disk usage (38bfcfb)
- cid: run nix-channel update to disable warnings (ad9c4f5)
- cid: separate docs preview and publish (745c0b0)
- cid: update cachix config for #200 (4568b63)
- cid: update docs build commands (139e6e1)
- cid: use default github token (9cb6825)
- ci: update cachix config for #200 (d3bb57e)
- codecov: temporarily set default threshold to 20% (588a46b)
- containers: add main dep group to package envs (4ddabb3)
- deploy-docs-cloudflare: pin yarn version (d4a9354)
- deps: explicitly lower bound dill (cb2bbbe)
- ensembl_batch: generalize in migration to expression (c3181f0)
- envrc: fix direnv notice spacing (dfd3e90)
- flake: containers only build on
(e4ed20d) - flake: default to disabled ghcr (93bab6a)
- flake: default to disabled github (6125965)
- flake: fix imageFiles for containerImage (e65b63a)
- flake: lock nixpod’s home-manager input to 24.11 (45374a0)
- flake: override ghcr ids (4fb9151)
- flake: reenable manifest github data (f92d066)
- flake: remove aarch64 cross-compilation comment (5cdfcd9)
- flake: remove extra ghcr params (a212fb7)
- flake: set 500MiB download-buffer-size (d4b819b)
- flake: temp pin nixpkgs to 24.11-beta (7798b25)
- flake: update flocken interface (224561f)
- gitignore: add luarc.json (c5aa832)
- gitignore: add node_modules (efe63cd)
- gitignore: add output for rattler-build (09ffa56)
- gitignore: ignore node (5c53f51)
- interfaces: add default factory for preprocess selected_genes empty list (be70f2c)
- io: add debug logging of attempted serialization dictionary to serialize anndata (7910665)
- io: change sparsification notice from warning to debug level (b33d7b4)
- io: default to sans serif in table tex wrapper (260af1f)
- io: log data hash on pickle save/load (5a0c660)
- io: restore types when deserializing json (ea08a4a)
- io: serialize
(86e54f0) - io: use dill to support pickling matplotlib objects (daf7716)
- just: docs-setup -> docs-build (fa46927)
- make: reference cloudflare vars (592cbfe)
- make: test-cov-xml defers to pyproject for pytest markers (2f82907)
- manuscript: bold custom caption headings (c59c182)
- manuscript: comment showframe and layout to print page layout (a5aba5d)
- manuscript: reduce spacing above title (3e0e59c)
- manuscript: use bold panel references (b602c35)
- manuscript: use dvipsnamed email color (41f386e)
- manuscript: use dvipsnames (b7c2618)
- models: include std of predictive samples in posterior dict (2dc9414)
- models: mark apparently unused sample sites (4684551)
- models: retain gene ranking data for all genes (0217660)
- nix: add explicit “main” group (f3f78e0)
- nix: add just to extraDevPackages for devShells (100826f)
- nix: disable dontCheckRuntimeDeps (385c68e)
- nix: disable pyrovelocity checkphase markers network and slow (d4487cf)
- nix: disable quarto overlay (default to nixpkgs) (1379c3a)
- nix: dontCheckRuntimeDeps (b4493fd)
- nix: nullify quarto python3 (0f02743)
- nix: reenable grpcio wheel on Darwin (65576b0)
- plots: accept
input type (03889ba) - plots: add legend data to cell type plot (d8d277d)
- plots: add parameter to truncate high error genes by percentile (1e2b244)
- plots: allow scaled measures as well as vector fields (4f5d517)
- plots: allow setting axis-level label for colorbars (1972b79)
- plots: automatically increment axis indices in lineage fate correlation (0845fab)
- plots: default parameter posteriors to box plot (dfe987f)
- plots: default to CV in vector field plot (9529dd7)
- plots: disable default box plot (320cb9a)
- plots: disable text axes in self-generated figure (8a93aa6)
- plots: disable transparency in lineage fate correlation (ff63d31)
- plots: enable type-checking of plot lineage fate correlation (4843c4b)
- plots: export lineage fate correlation plot from plots package (601e0c8)
- plots: filter invalid adjustText warning (5e57d40)
- plots: filter invalid adjustText warning if logger is available (508ee80)
- plots: force min-max colorbar tick labels for bounded variables (13e3afd)
- plots: include median in parameter plots (9bfa149)
- plots: include time and angle uncertainty (f45f308)
- plots: increase box plot width (0913328)
- plots: make mae scale default for gene ranking (c0a0d27)
- plots: make posterior time titles and colorbar optional (f3cf7aa)
- plots: move reporting function imports to docstring (8f85769)
- plots: optionally force recomputation of volcano data (c2ede44)
- plots: organize reporting function for use in summarization task (c5a284d)
- plots: parameterize inclusion of complete angular scale (f31d116)
- plots: parameterize posterior time color map (155a131)
- plots: parameterize state color dictionary (5aab2a5)
- plots: parameterize transparency of posterior time (0aa0db1)
- plots: parametrize rainbow plot default fontsize (03eea70)
- plots: pass boxplot flag to parameter posteriors (1d71472)
- plots: reduce likelihood of mutation by copying mutated input (321dfca)
- plots: remove additional unused comments from posterior predictive extrapolation (8174ff9)
- plots: remove redundant data input from lineage fate correlation (978c2d0)
- plots: remove unused comment from posterior predictive extrapolation (44cd705)
- plots: reorder angle uncertainty of lineage fate correlation (7683f2e)
- plots: retain order of selected genes in report (4cd2ac7)
- plots: set posterior time default plot type to hexbin (6fcb630)
- plots: set rainbow default plot type to hexbin (b5a99ac)
- plots: set vector field uncertainty default plot type to hexbin (e875f2e)
- plots: show mean and CV histograms in shared time uncertainty (7db1074)
- plots: synchronize vector field color map with rainbowplots (76ffc3f)
- plots: type-check get clone trajectory function (7f438b3)
- plots: unpack width ratios in rainbow plot (40b57d2)
- plots: update lineage fate correlation titles and font size (c83153e)
- plots: update major log tick labels for parameter posteriors (daabaee)
- plots: update report dpi (388cdb5)
- plots: update vector field summary interface (e900db0)
- plots: update vector field summary plot (8986fc6)
- plots: use black box plots (917ee7f)
- plots: use gridspec for shared time uncertainty plot (46c28c5)
- plots: use pandas regex str replacement in lineage fate correlation (34cfd15)
- plots: use pure text title for plot gene ranking (e0c9466)
- plots: use QCD instead of CV in shared time histogram (fd6c652)
- plots: use quartile coefficient of dispersion to quantify temporal uncertainty (a90e182)
- plots: use vector field basis in shared time uncertainty plot (4fb202b)
- pre-commit: disable prettier (d7e11e4)
- pre-commit: disable prettier (8d2d266)
- preprocess: use sc for umap (b615912)
- pyproject: define network marker and disable by default (b849c4f)
- pyproject: pin poetry-core <2 (d0b8515)
- pyproject: set 3.12-compatible pillow lower bound (74b04f8)
- rattler: add dill (85e7da4)
- rattler: pin deps for 0.4.0b4 (d29fb71)
- rattler: pin poetry
(f12a6ce) - report: update docstring (02457d7)
- setup_environment: ratchet upgrade action (3be1247)
- styles: enable unicode in latex (febd9a8)
- styles: remove unused mplstyle key (dc77b0d)
- summarize: make absence of independent vector field summary explicit (93a743b)
- summarize: use constant cell type colors (74ec198)
- tasks: add row labels and external legend (fde8e62)
- tasks: add soft support for selected genes to preprocessing (d3227ac)
- tasks: import reporting functions in summarize task (bfb4599)
- tasks: include column-level colorbars in gridspec (6bfb6fb)
- tasks: map time fate correlation over all data set configurations (3e301b7)
- tasks: refactor time fate correlation and note redundancy with workflow task (f738c7b)
- tasks: reorganize summarize in preparation for integration of reporting module (21543d5)
- tasks: set 4 columns for time fate correlation legend (a9b559b)
- tasks: set min mae percentile from candidate dataframe length (9f6e601)
- tasks: set top mae genes max genes per bin to 5 (1952b43)
- tasks: update time lineage fate correlation layout parameters (9b8e3a9)
- tasks: update time lineage fate correlation legend spacing (68a82d1)
- tasks: update vector field summary parameters (73352bf)
- tasks: use parameterized state color dictionary (e5b9719)
- tasks: use report instead of plot gene summary (2808a98)
- teller: add reference cloudflare vars (29628c0)
- test_compressedpickle: make compatible with xdist execution (53ea888)
- test_preprocess: add network marker (5b4800a)
- test_summarize: mark as slow integration test (84e7ad0)
- tests: add processed data fixture (24e8d28)
- tests: add serialization test for uns dict with nested numpy array (6d376d9)
- tests: add unprocessed data fixture (d520dcc)
- tests: exercise hash check in data serialization (9163a92)
- tests: load preprocessed deserialized data fixture globally (8752319)
- tests: note handling of selected genes in generate fixture data (351bc17)
- tests: rename small deserialized data fixture in plots (a096c8c)
- tests: update fixture name for preprocessed_3_4 in plot histograms (4198735)
- top_mae_genes: handle small data sets (bb69eb8)
- utils: add array-based type class aliases (81aef5d)
- utils: include type in dictionary log (24c3f27)
- utils: log data hash on load (cd56435)
- utils: remove unused comments (9292cdd)
- vscode: autosave on window change (17281d4)
- vscode: disable conflicting json formatting (3c7b3fe)
- workflows: add posterior samples and postprocessed data to summarize outputs class (c32f530)
- workflows: include individual metric tables in CombinedMetricsOutputs (c418960)
- workflows: include png in time lineage fate correlation plot uploads (bd51032)
- workflows: io.json -> io.metrics (39f28af)
- workflows: reset configurations (9ef2a76)
- workflows: upload figure object files (a77f19e)
- workflows: use correct WorkflowConfiguration field name (bbafdfd)
- workflows: use helper function to generate and save metrics tables (e43baff)
- workflows: use SummarizeConfiguration to access selected genes (46d4df1)
0.4.0-beta.4 (2024-08-21)
Bug Fixes
- io: expose density threshold parameter in (c8b0cf3)
- nix: update ctan packages (028fa53)
- sparsity: decrease default density threshold to 0.3 (9d8eee1)
- workflow: remove manual definition of L4 GPUAccelerator (7d0da7e)
- workflows: add extra large training resource requests and limits (468bc6b)
- workflows: remove unused training arguments (5598ef6)
- workflows: reset constants to default values (70dc44e)
- workflows: reset training configurations list (4f4bb3a)
0.4.0-beta.3 (2024-08-19)
Bug Fixes
0.4.0-beta.2 (2024-08-18)
- workflows: add human bone marrow configuration (fdda157)
- workflows: add pbmc10k configuration (a36ad8e)
- workflows: add pbmc5k configuration (c11cd9c)
- workflows: enable execution for human bone marrow data (c118a5c)
- workflows: enable execution for pbmc10k data (43e0658)
- workflows: enable execution for pbmc5k data (db73f75)
- workflows: enable execution for pons data (3b2ef4b)
Bug Fixes
- workflows: set dev mode to use dev image tag (8e2037c)
0.4.0-beta.1 (2024-08-17)
- workflows: add larry monocyte precursor configuration (168af3e)
- workflows: add larry multilineage configuration (0232207)
- workflows: add larry neutrophil precursor configuration (055d1e0)
- workflows: enable execution for larry monocyte precursor data (8464429)
- workflows: enable execution for larry multilineage data (d0321ca)
- workflows: enable execution for larry neutrophil precursor data (441d9e9)
Bug Fixes
- cid: set hydra outputs artifact name from set-variables outputs (32e400f)
- io: increase default compression level for posterior samples (160f857)
- io: write data sets modified on download (560e31f)
- workflows: import cache flag from constants (784f276)
- workflows: import contants in configuration (0741330)
- workflows: import contants in workflow (121381c)
- workflows: load dotenv in constants (13a5313)
- workflows: log env from constants (d2ca2fc)
- workflows: log warnings when cluster config files not found (e40270f)
- workflows: reenable simulated and pancreas data (cc59182)
- workflows: use overwrite cache variable to set default value (610d7cc)
0.3.0 (2024-08-16)
- analyze: add function to extract top mae genes (508f1ba)
- flake: make python 3.11 default devshell (c7ed17b)
- io: add (de)serialization functions (6699308)
- io: add cluster module (b98ca30)
- io: add function to add duration to run info formatted json files (86cc9d7)
- io: add function to copy a list of files to a target directory (eb0b9f9)
- io: add module to combine json files (678c95d)
- io: add module to sparsify/densify array dictionaries (c1f15fc)
- io: generate model comparison tables (9582ab2)
- io: sparsify array dictionaries by default (e11412e)
- nbs: add support for model comparison to pancreas notebook (7cb5f77)
- nbs: initialize downsampled pancreas tutorial (f7a0006)
- plots: add interactive count histogram plot (68f3e16)
- plots: add normalized data to rainbow plot (7ddc5f0)
- plots: add option to plot log spliced data to rainbow plot (6226003)
- summarize: save gene ranking table to csv (98f5bd6)
- tasks: add qc plots to preprocessing task (5b40254)
- tasks: save loss data to csv (15c1dc9)
- tasks: save parameter posterior means to dataframe (90813c6)
- utils: add function to save parameter posterior means to dataframe (d3e4537)
- utils: construct anndata string diff (411defe)
- utils: log array data type with shape (eb769b5)
- workflows: add task to collect metrics for all data sets and models (b242f80)
- workflows: enable decks (d89a638)
- workflows: track model metrics with results summary (98f269f)
- workflows: update task interfaces to track metrics (02f4897)
- workflows: use PreprocessOutputs dataclass (1e5a223)
Bug Fixes
- analysis: get top mae genes by correlation bin (be165a7)
- analysis: remove cell marker comments (1b70c45)
- analyze: disable progress bar (44e7e41)
- bazel: add marker to args (63e0c5b)
- bazelignore: local venv (e5fa894)
- bazel: migrate tests <5 min to size medium (404025f)
- bazel: remove small/large duplicate test module (547af88)
- bazelversion: 7.0.2 -> 7.2.1 (d1a2ebe)
- cid: include MODULE.bazel in requirements cache key (9ec2174)
- cid: reenable bazel cache restore-keys (809370d)
- cid: set python versions to 3.11 (ef7a62e)
- cid: set sha-specific concurrency groups for workflow execution (30ad7ce)
- conda: transiently pin scipy <1.14.0 (f8f4e49)
- flake: python310 -> python311 (c5b609c)
- gcs: add function to download blob from uri (c20b5d1)
- gcs: add function to download path from uri (10f71d2)
- interfaces: resolve str | Path union to str (93d1422)
- io: add doctest for get_remote_task_results (f4d8e7f)
- io: allow specification of a download filename prefix (d0d5439)
- io: include csv files in default model summary archive (8b7c809)
- io: increase default sparsify threshold (6ba43a1)
- io: skip doctests that require gcp credentials (455e941)
- io: update required fields for serialization (73e4b86)
- io: use tmp dir fixture for compressedpickle doctests (f678036)
- make: run slow tests with test-cov-xml target (bc58fed)
- models: remove unused branching in generate_posterior_samples method (4a924e3)
- nbs: add interactive review to guides contents (7e33abf)
- nbs: add parameter posterior estimates to pancreas results (65246de)
- nbs: add stub for preprocessing notebook (cf23251)
- nbs: auto-hide navigation (4d94b0b)
- nbs: disable ipynb (79a74df)
- nbs: escape apostrophes (420872c)
- nbs: flesh out interactive review (a827c71)
- nbs: indicate explicit output (6628265)
- nbs: move interactive guide to subfolder (eb6419a)
- nbs: move interactive review to 2nd guide (873a0f6)
- nbs: plot mitochondrial and ribosomal percentage histograms in preprocessing guide (a9cde59)
- nbs: pygments -> gruvbox syntax highlighting (ee9b6dc)
- nbs: separate md, mdx, and site configs (9c0f193)
- nbs: separate references to preprocessing and results (afc6bc9)
- nbs: set default syntax highlighter (f30c2b3)
- nbs: sync freeze (810286e)
- nbs: update dark css (261cdcf)
- nbs: update path to preprocessing notebook (682e9a3)
- nbs: use mathjax (81f4808)
- nbs: use subdirectory for pancreas tutorial (94427a8)
- nix: add workflows to check groups (be3645e)
- nix: explicit preferwheel for deps (06320e5)
- nix: make 3.11 default python in container images (4e95dbd)
- plots: add option to save gene ranking plot (50a71cf)
- plots: add option to save rainbow plot (ffdd829)
- plots: default to highest and lowest shared time correlation genes in summary plot (d5aae5c)
- plots: disable normalized data on summary plot (443ac27)
- plots: enable offset parameters in posterior distribution plots (fe25b4c)
- plots: ensure data is a dense array before flattening (feaa936)
- plots: ensure path for posterior predictive phase portraits (68493c2)
- plots: make parameter names an argument of posterior plot function (c2c35f5)
- plots: use cividis in plot posterior time (68c90ef)
- pre-commit: remove pyupgrade (e3780dd)
- preprocess: disable progress bar (d3a5770)
- preprocess: remove unsupported kwarg (db44ae1)
- pyproject: disable slow tests and print durations (05e6507)
- pyproject: flytekit 1.13 (6ad23e7)
- pyproject: note intention to exclude markers associated with slow tests (057af3d)
- pyproject: pin conda-lock fmt <11.0 for libmambapy (d78a8f8)
- pyproject: shift python version bounds to 3.11 and 3.12 (fe1d4a8)
- pyproject: temporarily pin yanked matplotlib 3.9.1 (2dedb66)
- scripts: include json, html, md, tex in uploads (a157b27)
- scripts: update nbs build (fe20d09)
- summarize: pareto_frontier_genes -> top_mae_genes (d5c3896)
- summarize: use mae percentiles and min genes per bin in marker gene selection (0dfef1e)
- tasks: declare skip preprocess doctest once (49be02f)
- tasks: download_dataset accepts Path type (846d5a7)
- tasks: enable nested mlflow runs (fcbbede)
- tasks: enable Path objects where applicable (4096175)
- tasks: include preprocessing reports directory in outputs (aee79a1)
- tasks: remove ad hoc modification of posterior samples (7738f5c)
- tasks: remove manual figure write (29de76b)
- tasks: remove redundant logic to save rainbow plot in summarize task (591e759)
- tasks: remove unused t0 from model1 posterior samples (583f786)
- tasks: skip postprocess dataset xdoctest (d8a8fc1)
- tasks: update args and examples for summarize dataset (4a51e02)
- tasks: update ticks on loss plot axes (350499f)
- tests: account for updated postprocessing outputs interface (ed6a81f)
- tests: add in-memory fixtures used by plotting modules (41176ff)
- tests: mark slow tests in determinstic inference module (d3a5254)
- tests: remove gene number specification (32008d6)
- tests: set tmp path to preprocessing reports (1cfd403)
- tests: use importlib resources to refer to fixture data (7175c79)
- utils: use shape of ArrayLike in pretty printing dicts (918378c)
- workflows: add CombinedMetricsOutputs dataclass (c6f3e3c)
- workflows: add PreprocessOutputs dataclass (4fed2dd)
- workflows: disable flyte decks causing type error (5ca26ff)
- workflows: disable upload summary cache (c8b8548)
- workflows: explicitly include csv in model summary archive (22de101)
- workflows: remove top-level wrapper workflow (0ac37df)
- workflows: toggle data subset flag on (ceb7524)
- workflows: toggle data subset to default false (55ac13a)
0.3.0-beta.7 (2024-08-16)
- io: add function to add duration to run info formatted json files (86cc9d7)
- io: add function to copy a list of files to a target directory (eb0b9f9)
- io: add module to combine json files (678c95d)
- io: generate model comparison tables (9582ab2)
- tasks: save loss data to csv (15c1dc9)
- workflows: add task to collect metrics for all data sets and models (b242f80)
- workflows: track model metrics with results summary (98f269f)
- workflows: update task interfaces to track metrics (02f4897)
Bug Fixes
0.3.0-beta.6 (2024-08-15)
- workflows: use PreprocessOutputs dataclass (1e5a223)
Bug Fixes
0.3.0-beta.5 (2024-08-14)
0.3.0-beta.4 (2024-08-13)
Bug Fixes
- tests: use importlib resources to refer to fixture data (7175c79)
0.3.0-beta.3 (2024-08-13)
Bug Fixes
- conda: transiently pin scipy <1.14.0 (f8f4e49)
- io: update required fields for serialization (73e4b86)
- nbs: plot mitochondrial and ribosomal percentage histograms in preprocessing guide (a9cde59)
- nbs: update path to preprocessing notebook (682e9a3)
- pyproject: pin conda-lock fmt <11.0 for libmambapy (d78a8f8)
- tests: set tmp path to preprocessing reports (1cfd403)
0.3.0-beta.2 (2024-08-08)
- analyze: add function to extract top mae genes (508f1ba)
- io: add cluster module (b98ca30)
- nbs: add support for model comparison to pancreas notebook (7cb5f77)
- nbs: initialize downsampled pancreas tutorial (f7a0006)
- plots: add normalized data to rainbow plot (7ddc5f0)
- plots: add option to plot log spliced data to rainbow plot (6226003)
- summarize: save gene ranking table to csv (98f5bd6)
- tasks: save parameter posterior means to dataframe (90813c6)
- utils: add function to save parameter posterior means to dataframe (d3e4537)
Bug Fixes
- analysis: get top mae genes by correlation bin (be165a7)
- analysis: remove cell marker comments (1b70c45)
- bazel: add marker to args (63e0c5b)
- bazel: migrate tests <5 min to size medium (404025f)
- bazel: remove small/large duplicate test module (547af88)
- cid: set sha-specific concurrency groups for workflow execution (30ad7ce)
- io: add doctest for get_remote_task_results (f4d8e7f)
- io: allow specification of a download filename prefix (d0d5439)
- io: include csv files in default model summary archive (8b7c809)
- io: use tmp dir fixture for compressedpickle doctests (f678036)
- make: run slow tests with test-cov-xml target (bc58fed)
- models: remove unused branching in generate_posterior_samples method (4a924e3)
- nbs: add parameter posterior estimates to pancreas results (65246de)
- nbs: add stub for preprocessing notebook (cf23251)
- nbs: separate references to preprocessing and results (afc6bc9)
- nbs: use subdirectory for pancreas tutorial (94427a8)
- nix: add workflows to check groups (be3645e)
- plots: add option to save gene ranking plot (50a71cf)
- plots: add option to save rainbow plot (ffdd829)
- plots: default to highest and lowest shared time correlation genes in summary plot (d5aae5c)
- plots: disable normalized data on summary plot (443ac27)
- plots: enable offset parameters in posterior distribution plots (fe25b4c)
- plots: ensure data is a dense array before flattening (feaa936)
- plots: ensure path for posterior predictive phase portraits (68493c2)
- plots: make parameter names an argument of posterior plot function (c2c35f5)
- plots: use cividis in plot posterior time (68c90ef)
- pyproject: note intention to exclude markers associated with slow tests (057af3d)
- pyproject: temporarily pin yanked matplotlib 3.9.1 (2dedb66)
- summarize: pareto_frontier_genes -> top_mae_genes (d5c3896)
- summarize: use mae percentiles and min genes per bin in marker gene selection (0dfef1e)
- tasks: declare skip preprocess doctest once (49be02f)
- tasks: download_dataset accepts Path type (846d5a7)
- tasks: enable nested mlflow runs (fcbbede)
- tasks: enable Path objects where applicable (4096175)
- tasks: remove ad hoc modification of posterior samples (7738f5c)
- tasks: remove manual figure write (29de76b)
- tasks: remove redundant logic to save rainbow plot in summarize task (591e759)
- tasks: remove unused t0 from model1 posterior samples (583f786)
- tasks: skip postprocess dataset xdoctest (d8a8fc1)
- tasks: update args and examples for summarize dataset (4a51e02)
- tests: add in-memory fixtures used by plotting modules (41176ff)
- tests: remove gene number specification (32008d6)
- workflows: disable flyte decks causing type error (5ca26ff)
- workflows: disable upload summary cache (c8b8548)
- workflows: explicitly include csv in model summary archive (22de101)
- workflows: toggle data subset flag on (ceb7524)
0.3.0-beta.1 (2024-07-30)
Bug Fixes
- analyze: disable progress bar (44e7e41)
- cid: set python versions to 3.11 (ef7a62e)
- flake: python310 -> python311 (c5b609c)
- nbs: disable ipynb (79a74df)
- nbs: escape apostrophes (420872c)
- nbs: indicate explicit output (6628265)
- nbs: set default syntax highlighter (f30c2b3)
- nbs: sync freeze (810286e)
- nbs: use mathjax (81f4808)
- nix: explicit preferwheel for deps (06320e5)
- nix: make 3.11 default python in container images (4e95dbd)
- pre-commit: remove pyupgrade (e3780dd)
- preprocess: disable progress bar (d3a5770)
- preprocess: remove unsupported kwarg (db44ae1)
- pyproject: disable slow tests and print durations (05e6507)
- pyproject: flytekit 1.13 (6ad23e7)
- pyproject: shift python version bounds to 3.11 and 3.12 (fe1d4a8)
- scripts: update nbs build (fe20d09)
- tests: mark slow tests in determinstic inference module (d3a5254)
- workflows: remove top-level wrapper workflow (0ac37df)
0.2.1-beta.1 (2024-07-28)
Bug Fixes
- bazelignore: local venv (e5fa894)
- bazelversion: 7.0.2 -> 7.2.1 (d1a2ebe)
- cid: include MODULE.bazel in requirements cache key (9ec2174)
- cid: reenable bazel cache restore-keys (809370d)
- gcs: add function to download blob from uri (c20b5d1)
- gcs: add function to download path from uri (10f71d2)
- io: skip doctests that require gcp credentials (455e941)
- nbs: add interactive review to guides contents (7e33abf)
- nbs: auto-hide navigation (4d94b0b)
- nbs: flesh out interactive review (a827c71)
- nbs: move interactive guide to subfolder (eb6419a)
- nbs: move interactive review to 2nd guide (873a0f6)
- nbs: pygments -> gruvbox syntax highlighting (ee9b6dc)
- nbs: separate md, mdx, and site configs (9c0f193)
- nbs: update dark css (261cdcf)
- utils: use shape of ArrayLike in pretty printing dicts (918378c)
0.2.0 (2024-07-12)
- actions: add composite action for build_nix_image (1f621ce)
- add merge queue configuration (#470) (14c9328)
- analysis: create module to generate transcriptome properties database (4fe27ae)
- api: typecheck train_model and allow path inputs (fbd34bf)
- argo: add build-images workflow (6697f55)
- argo: add nix image build Workflow resource (8c2179b)
- bazel: add aspect lib (512e127)
- bazel: add helper macro to run test modules (0768837)
- bazel: add remote build cache (0afae63)
- bazel: add tests build (27efc09)
- bazel: add xdoctest macro (b39b26e)
- bazel: generate pip-compile requirements (e38acf6)
- bazel: init module (46195c2)
- bazel: use all_requirements for package library (165b84a)
- ci: check and fast-forward merge PRs (251e11f)
- cid: add job to publish nix flake (5a52753)
- cid: add python 3.11 to test-python matrix (1896c0d)
- cid: add test-bazel job (0fcac1e)
- cid: build workflow execution container (8e9999e)
- cid: enable code-server image build (a8d02a9)
- cid: enable jupyter image build (263c319)
- cid: init cid workflow (0482ea9)
- cid: skip image build if one with commit sha tag already exists (cba38e4)
- codecov: init repo config (d09736c)
- compose: add compose for jupyter server (b6a4ce8)
- conftest: provide global fixture to file for sample data (409d96d)
- containers: add dyngen container (de3abae)
- containers: add pkg and gpu Dockerfiles (690fa7b)
- containers: add script to generate simulated data (05b49c2)
- data: add load_anndata_from_path (7d43e29)
- data: support subsetting during data download (fa066cd)
- data: validate urls and file size before download attempt (b9b6f0b)
- dev: add cluster dev resource manifests (812a327)
- dev: add cue module (9d1e729)
- dev: add example cue values (001a181)
- dev: add hpa config (dadb4d1)
- dev: add job config (da03a27)
- dev: add nixbuild deployment (3678de8)
- devcontainter: update configuration for flake (37475e5)
- dev: enable setting values for accessMode (d92c1a9)
- devshell: add manual activation script (36fe896)
- dev: update example config for job (c956103)
- docker-config: add example.json (346b787)
- docs: add repo
to history (86625a8) - env: add pyrovelocity-specific env vars (6dfa69c)
- execution_utils: support nested dataclasses (a382204)
- flake: add bazelisk (cb34805)
- flake: add CUDA env vars to devcontainerConfig (e004597)
- flake: add devCore lightweight devShell (96fdfe3)
- flake: add GAR images (eaaddfe)
- flake: add htop to devPackages (9dc2760)
- flake: add latex and pandoc (bff7410)
- flake: add openvscode-server to devPackages (af19432)
- flake: add quarto to devPackages (d6e3eca)
- flake: add time to sysPackages (8d1c994)
- flake: add workflow execution container (8215232)
- flake: build code-server container (bfeb171)
- flake: build jupyter container (b424a91)
- flake: init (8a11673)
- flake: update torch >2 (6b838d3)
- flake: use refactored poetryOverrides (7f37d36)
- flyte: add config templates (511f6cb)
- gha: add build-images workflow (abb7266)
- github: add reusable workflow to build nix images (33ab84f)
- help: add help module (d30f670)
- interfaces: add AcceleratorType Enum for future replacement of
type annotations (0122307) - interfaces: collect dataclass interfaces (f2c6ea9)
- io: add async ensembl batch query and cache (2b15bf6)
- io: add async ensembl query and cache (997169f)
- io: add data fetch interface (2afa701)
- io: add fsspec interface (eb3ae02)
- io: add gcs interface (1491a1b)
- io: add googleapiclient interface (a7a36b6)
- io: create archive from filtered directory (814f184)
- just: add recipes for teller (72a3676)
- main_configuration: add dataclasses for outputs (abdd8e0)
- main_workflow: add model training task (4ca67b4)
- main_workflow: setup download_data task (9cfdcce)
- main_workflow: use dataclass interfaces (2324654)
- make: add ci targets (8a7c250)
- make: add cluster config targets (3ce33c9)
- make: add cluster-shell target (23c3d5e)
- make: add container targets (e9b158d)
- make: add nix targets (8037ad1)
- make: add pydeps target to render graph (ff2e8b3)
- make: add target to build dyngen image (1c46950)
- make: add target to build nix default package (692b4f7)
- make: add target to copy file to cluster pod (7d22b0c)
- make: add target to disable zsh
reserved word (be99bd9) - make: add target to forward port from dev pod (f9cff22)
- make: add target to print tree (4080c08)
- make: add target to render dev manifest (b4c11a2)
- make: add target to replace vars in config file (4e9e1a9)
- make: add target to run tests with bazel (3c0ffcd)
- make: add target to show closure size for a store path (a292cd9)
- make: add target to toggle local virtualenvs (b96691d)
- make: add targets for in-cluster dev (0c6cae3)
- make: add targets to (un)pin gha commit hashes (d43b964)
- make: add targets to build and serve nbs (28e3779)
- make: add targets to configure dev env (10aa781)
- make: add targets to set gh vars and secrets (da50e44)
- make: add targets to setup dev env (b69015d)
- make: add update_version target (4a352d3)
- make: add vscode targets (335ed1f)
- make: add workflow execution targets (ed0f2dc)
- make: generate architecture docs (c12607a)
- make: test packaging of dev module (7080a6e)
- models: add deterministic model simulation functions (1445777)
- models: add dimensionless analytical solution (a3c97aa)
- models: add function to save determinstic inference plots (2096303)
- models: add module for calibrating hyperparameters (6ba593d)
- models: add plot_sample_phase_portraits (e136293)
- models: add plot_sample_trajectories function (56eaed3)
- models: add plot_sample_trajectories_with_percentiles (f661696)
- models: add posterior inference for deterministic model (2b5872b)
- models: implement print_inference_data_structure to describe InferenceData objects (32d2a0f)
- models: initialize deterministic inference (a71f4e0)
- nbs: add inference model description (f5176fc)
- nbs: add inference plots to concepts (38b61ef)
- nbs: add inference plots to rrv (44b915a)
- nbs: add interlinks extension (dc99563)
- nbs: add sn extension (7e4331c)
- nbs: add user example to templates (bbeceaf)
- nbs: copy contributing (c7f84d8)
- nbs: draft trajectories and phase portraits (b93eb69)
- nbs: enable api reference docs (cf4e1a9)
- nbs: export ipynb format (b174e95)
- nbs: include plot of analytical solution (3c545a7)
- nbs: init installation (258fdc1)
- nbs: initialize concepts page on inference in dynamical systems (3a7513b)
- nbs: update dimensional analysis (0873628)
- nbs: update inference model without times (756dd55)
- nbs: update references (1c93eb6)
- nix-config: refactor poetryOverrides (13714f1)
- nix: add btop to coreDevPackages (95f060f)
- nix: add code-server container (d8e81ca)
- nix: add jupyter container (36c8e32)
- plots: draft simulation trajectory and phase portrait (582b5b7)
- postprocess: add postprocess module (d565e27)
- preprocess: allow subsets of obs and vars (93a0465)
- preprocess: refactor for compatibility with dataclass interface (19c7b68)
- pypi_template: add workflow execution example (c69767d)
- pypi_template: generate and display figure outputs (a0111e2)
- pypi_template: include training and summary for two distinct model classes (217a3fd)
- pypi: add cpu-only requirements (cbb95d6)
- pyproject: add jupyter server to docs group (68eabde)
- pyproject: add requests-mock for testing (42db104)
- pyproject: add workflow execution dep group (9e8fbcc)
- pyproject: upgrade stable dependencies (7698cf7)
- pyrovelocity: add workflow execution package (ffd2808)
- pyrovelocitydev: add cue module (1aa633a)
- scripts: add colab (3ff98b9)
- scripts: add literate template (2cfbd4d)
- scripts: add manuscript template (ce65847)
- scripts: add nbs build script (59f708f)
- scripts: add script to activate nix flake (2283f11)
- scripts: copy gcs archives to drive (a4eb5f5)
- scripts: draft extraction of gene length and polyA motif counts (b35c55d)
- scripts: extract imported packages from library (8957327)
- scripts: init pypi template (5ed5f10)
- scripts: pull _freeze from dvc cache during nbs build (45d191b)
- scripts: update flake to accept cmd arg (01c2e94)
- skaffold: add config (b4e02bd)
- styles: initialize mpl style file (56395ab)
- summarize: add summarize task module (4c1adbf)
- teller: add kubeconfig (13b0635)
- test_data: add tests for data module methods (dcd8276)
- tests: add tests for deterministic simulation functions (8c2ec75)
- tests: add tests for transcriptome properties module (2a3e19c)
- tests: add utils package (d38a219)
- train: add training script for workflow usage (5fcf4c3)
- utils: add class to suppress function output (76af2cc)
- utils: add function to generate public api candidates (402259e)
- utils: add function to save anndata counts to dataframe file (f9d6a91)
- utils: add print_config_tree (e3546df)
- vscode: add debug test launcher for library code (abef67f)
- vscode: add fileutils (e5dfb0a)
- vscode: config debug launch for cli (610fb8a)
- workflow: add preprocess data tasks (d4f5f89)
- workflows: add main workflow (153e12c)
- workflows: add medium resources category to configuration (aad47f4)
- workflows: add model summary task (1446119)
- workflows: add pbmc68k, pons, and larry data sets (41c18e2)
- workflows: add postprocessing task (5654b6c)
- workflows: add upload summary task (8693728)
- workflows: draft notebooks execution workflow (34b8f47)
- workflows: expose
via ExecutionContext (9c1a633) - workflows: expose testing and upload flags as environment variables (9ed24f8)
- workflows: map over multiple data sets (4c8cc01)
- workflows: separate summarize cache version (55ada29)
- workflows: use upload_results fields from each WorkflowConfiguration (fbf4ea3)
Bug Fixes
- **_velocity:** update doctest imports for preprocess (44db75b)
- actions: accept releaseVersion in build-nix-image (fc7f6ed)
- actions: add build_nix_image artifact registry password (fc94cc2)
- actions: enable parallel cache uploads (c3cff98)
- actions: enable s3 nix cache (234ddf0)
- actions: nix store gc 5 -> 3G (59f74bf)
- actions: print swap usage (f129b8b)
- actions: reenable cachix cache (64b7901)
- actions: reenable hosted cache (da269ff)
- actions: reenable local nix cache (a52c831)
- actions: reenable nixcached (15e9e96)
- actions: reenable post-build garbage collection (37f1d78)
- actions: reenable remote nix cache (2a90045)
- actions: reenable remote s3 cache (c12cadc)
- actions: restrict nix gc (d8c68e9)
- actions: set VERSION to inputs.releaseVersion (ac41ce1)
- actions: simplify build command execution logic (375c4d2)
- actions: temporarily disable nix cache upload (990440a)
- actions: temporarily disable nix cache upload options (2de1ee1)
- actions: use s3-compatibility HMAC keys and disable nixcached (5ef2162)
- actions: use skopeo instead of docker (b5b908e)
- analysis: allow PathLike in transcriptome properties (a6384a9)
- analysis: handle missing data in transcriptome properties db generation (08ba799)
- analysis: isolate pyensembl lazy import (ea55ab8)
- analysis: log warning rather than raising error on lazy imports (fa834d2)
- analysis: optionally write gene data to standalone tables (83b0007)
- analysis: summarize genomic and cdna sequences separately (a97feac)
- analysis: update artifact paths for generation vs testing (79dd945)
- analysis: use forward type hint for lazy import (436e526)
- analyze: add types to compute_volcano_data (34885da)
- analyze: define public interface (0ee8e58)
- analyze: separate computation of neighbors (d16b6dc)
- api: discard returned adata in doctest (78456f8)
- api: update doctest imports for preprocess (8cc6683)
- app: restrict workflow to main (5331fc5)
- app: update action versions (283d6c6)
- argo: set provisioning mode and retry strategy (e4165ef)
- bazel: add aspect lib to root rc (b661bff)
- bazel: add ci configs (9c15b5a)
- bazel: add deterministic inference tests module (cbc3321)
- bazel: enable test_deterministic_simulation (d202722)
- bazel: move py_library to workspace-level for xdoctest (29a3a7f)
- bazel: noexperimental_python_import_all_repositories (500b645), closes /
- bazel: remove platform-specific requirements (bfeab1b)
- bazel: remove unused test modules (a724853)
- bazel: separate small and medium test modules (6186da2)
- bazel: set target platforms “all” (3ab6152)
- bazel: update test module list (f9a38aa)
- bazel: use cpu requirements (a040872)
- bazel: use py_test from rules_python in py_test_module_list (fffb0d6)
- bazel: use requirements-bazel.txt (d7f3969)
- bazel: use standard pip hub name (d027451)
- build_nix_image: disable post-build gc (9e52cb0)
- build_nix_image: use cachix cache (e93e951)
- build_nix_image: use default dev shell in clean nix store (fe6e851)
- build-images: add
to pkg.Dockerfile image name (bdb6fa4) - build-nix-images: cache argo cli (416acc8)
- build-nix-images: disable cache (d85c34b)
- build-nix-images: pin actions cache to v4 hash (9dfcd8d)
- build-nix-images: preserve JSON list-formatted images argument (c6dec80)
- build-nix-images: skip build in dev mode (12ba002)
- cid: add actions cache for bazel (85a6576)
- cid: add artifact registry password secret env (30e4652)
- cid: add clean nix store to publish release images (a2daf9a)
- cid: add GAR env to publish release images (790045a)
- cid: add maximize-build-space step to nix image build (3baf69b)
- cid: add names to test-nix job steps (ad25df9)
- cid: add nix envs for GAR images (5fda3ee)
- cid: add note on
(6f79f33) - cid: cache cpu requirements (4e1b37c)
- cid: check cache for requirements or regenerate (3109d5e)
- cid: check disk usage (db2e99e)
- cid: decrease swap (321341b)
- cid: disable
(db6bcda) - cid: disable building dev image (5a2e678)
- cid: disable containerfile image builds (850afe8)
- cid: disable lock-bazel (1407ea1)
- cid: disable printing of image build logs (a991dd0)
- cid: disable publishing dev image (e1e4e19)
- cid: do not rerun on draft submission (5314c8d)
- cid: enable cachix cache for build-nix-images job (63e545f)
- cid: enable cachix for release images (49075ef)
- cid: enable cachix for test-nix job (f533984)
- cid: enable impure nix build (936d150)
- cid: enable parallel cache uploads (c448bf6)
- cid: enable publication of code and jupyter images (6e84c8d)
- cid: enable reusable workflow to build nix images (dc224bd)
- cid: enable s3 nix cache for image builds (777c0b2)
- cid: enable s3 nix cache for test and release (a853056)
- cid: ignore
(fdf0cb4) - cid: ignore changes to colab workflow (3c36296)
- cid: ignore explicit lock files (1552086)
- cid: image builds condition on NOT dev mode (947bfa0)
- cid: include checkout_rev in set-variables outputs (e477c5b)
- cid: include python version in test-python concurrency group (9411e8f)
- cid: increase root reserve and swap (8035847)
- cid: increase swap size (3ea04b7), closes /
- cid: increase swap space (737bb28)
- cid: lock-bazel before tests (f53b8f8)
- cid: magic -> cachix (bfdfb91)
- cid: migrate build-images reusable action usage to source (221c073)
- cid: only test workflow image build by default (59daeb5)
- cid: pass mode to build-nix-images workflow (5c9ebf8)
- cid: paths-ignore array (9e86990)
- cid: publish flake on release (72c0841)
- cid: publish workflow execution image (8380d2b)
- cid: reduce root reserve (94ec314)
- cid: reduce swap (87cb626)
- cid: reenable all image builds (3af29eb)
- cid: reenable bpdi concurrency group (6b657c9)
- cid: reenable cachix for release job (0513507)
- cid: reenable docs build jobs (efe61c2)
- cid: reenable execute-workflow dep on image builds (#502) (c00124e)
- cid: reenable nixcached (80d384a)
- cid: reenable restriction to x86_64-linux (1d0320e)
- cid: remove debug (95a88f3)
- cid: remove deprecated nix image build matrix (1aa74f0)
- cid: remove line break in test-nix job (70368b7)
- cid: remove unused variables (2c81db3)
- cid: restrict build and release images to x86_64 (6162007)
- cid: root-reserve-mb 34816 -> 38912 (a03d745)
- cid: save updated requirements artifact (793b1c7)
- cid: set build and publish image values for release (88b24c2)
- cid: set build volume mount path
(d542fa6) - cid: set default swap in build-nix-images (8c4d47d)
- cid: set git variables in test-nix job (f41170b)
- cid: set NUMBA_CACHE_DIR to runner.temp (6d759a7), closes /
- cid: set semantic release token variable (a9bacf3)
- cid: test-nix maximize build space (43600cb)
- cid: update codecov-action to v4 (e0dbda3)
- cid: update nix-installer to main (98a0b78)
- cid: update pages actions hashes (c684dd4)
- cid: update permissions (3691884)
- cid: update swap size (da15b99)
- cid: update swap size (129eb72)
- cid: update test-nix nix build comments (e054a60)
- cid: use
in all concurrency group keys (cf2641f) - cid: use base64 encoded SA creds (29af74e)
- cid: use bazel make targets (a46d544)
- cid: use cachix cache (c5f04c6)
- cid: use composite action to build and publish images (c3d5c69)
- cid: use default dev shell in clean nix store (0894674)
- cid: use dev-mode label (2a4f469)
- cid: use hyphen in run target (7341089)
- cid: use local nix cache (ba638f6)
- cid: use local nix cache (f929dbd)
- cid: use release tag to index release commit (b5ee22b)
- cid: use s3-compatibility HMAC keys (b32e7fd)
- cid: use test-python job name (0b3226f)
- cml-images: reenable CML image workflow (#485) (815e616)
- code: reenable layer compression (3af073c)
- colab: add maximize build space (9d014b1)
- colab: increase root reserve (37058af)
- colab: reenable pytorch and nvidia channels (53f60c4)
- colab: set cuda 12.2 (f8c6a73)
- colab: set unique path for constructor script (aeff7c6)
- colab: update action versions (88bd978)
- compose: set
(db19f08) - compose: use zsh in jupyter (a2852ad)
- conda: default to python 3.10 (c093849)
- conda: install pytorch from pytorch channel (750a324)
- conda: move python version to top (fec219b)
- conda: remove redundant cuda installation (d61866b)
- conda: sync virtual packages with colab (75261d8)
- containers: add gcc lib to lib path (6d1c24b)
- containers: add just syntax extension (a9f3b7e)
- containers: add libgcc lib to lib path (30067b8)
- containers: add libgcc.lib lib to lib path (d32d8d1)
- containers: disable compression (853e00b)
- containers: disable timestamp of images (7b67175)
- containers: disable top-level source layer (5832044)
- containers: enable atuin daemon (046fa6f)
- containers: fix amd64 in compose configuration (0cad067)
- containers: git move from dockerfiles (a56e5ad)
- containers: note build time difference with surface-level source layer composition (79bc2b8)
- containers: nvidia-smi RPATH expects in /lib64 (436d52d)
- containers: reenable layer compression (3535fa4)
- containers: reenable top-level source layer (fc929c8)
- containers: set default locale variables (6800b08)
- containers: set default scrollback (43172b7)
- containers: skip base images (5c7e001)
- containers: update code extensions (257c5d7)
- containers: update SHELL path (50b2a79)
- containers: use requirements-main.txt (25a13dc)
- cspell: add cytotrace (2fb9099)
- cspell: add scanpy (f9002ac)
- cspell: add type checking (e027023)
- cspell: update dictionary (119f436)
- cytotrace: remove a subset of unnecessary print statements (1847cbd)
- data: lint f-strings (6324327)
- data: make var names unique (8fb44f8)
- data: remove call to copy method (979110a)
- data: set default adata None and handle (2a267e0)
- data: update public interface (54932e6)
- data: use string inputs for
(887768a) - deps: async and cli (b258ab9)
- determinstic_inference: note InferenceStage Sum type (53836f5)
- dev: add example security context overrides (4ac343d)
- dev: add minimal/testing example config (c7bd905)
- dev: config pvc name (2d1d08b)
- dev: constraint config.persistence.accessMode to corev1.#PersistentVolumeAccessMode (a6fe1d5)
- devcontainer: sync extensions (3c8bada)
- devcontainer: vsliveshare reference (c151ee2)
- dev: default to deployment vs job (5f3a340)
- dev: default to nfs volumes (4ee68ed)
- dev: host active nixbuild cue config (bb923df)
- dev: host active pyrovelocitydev cue config (b8f2d25)
- dev: host example config in dev dir (5038272)
- dev: parameterize PVC access modes (471bd38)
- dev: remove default latest tag from image spec [no ci] (24a1ff4)
- dev: require command and args in deployment (ff74b8c)
- dev: set default pvc name to dev (0a656eb)
- dev: set replicas default (1->0->1) to toggle state (d5ecb52)
- dev: set update strategy to recreate (f79a958)
- dev: update base resources (b8c41d3)
- dev: update config to use job vs deployment (cd7537f)
- dev: use config pvc name in deployment (3027f0f)
- dev: use config pvc name in job (77e0ca5)
- dev: use config pvc name in pvc (57310ca)
- direnv: don’t enforce nix-direnv version (3379a73)
- direnv: update containers watch_path (4e622d3)
- direnv: update pkgs watch_path (84b526c)
- direnv: update poetry watch_file path (ae3db70)
- direnv: use flake (2f4a3b7)
- docs: add CID and GH pages to status (ca1dc54)
- docs: add colab badge to template notebook (7df9970)
- docs: change feature branch to beta (e113dcd)
- docs: clone beta branch in colab template [no ci] (006c631)
- docs: clone branch or tag in colab template (623048c)
- docs: link to example dev env in installation (e6118da)
- docs: mark
as documentation (e0d93d9) - docs: migrate history to CHANGELOG (1204056)
- docs: separate cool and warm logos (b30e041)
- docs: sync description (98fb385)
- docs: update badges (0a84010)
- docs: update sphinx conf exclude pattern from colab to template (4363b90)
- dotenv: add cluster dev namespace (9d671b7)
- dotenv: update container and cluster config (cc31ec3)
- dvc: update remote path (1476bc2)
- envrc: execute set-git-env script (63c8367)
- envrc: move direnv vars to .env (4a1b343)
- env: set variables for dev access (e54484f)
- examples: add install-tinytex make target (f1f7523)
- examples: force removal of _files dir (518567f)
- examples: ignore .quarto (bc4d21a)
- examples: set html font (3df5652)
- examples: set install-extensions deps (e034add)
- examples: support render without execution (9b6458e)
- execute: add random suffix to remote prod execution version (4553adf)
- execute: print fallback logger exceptions (2f98d2e)
- execute: remove unused comments (1dbd3f8)
- execute: truncate git branch length in workflow version (441f102)
- execution_utils: construct dataclasses given defaults (fa95db3)
- extensions: duplicate devcontainer as recs (74ad1b1)
- flake: add
to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (f6f1af3) - flake: add cluster tools to devPackages (7a5d948)
- flake: add devPackages for rust term IDE (3f21d7d)
- flake: add extraEnv vars to makeContainerConfig (1219d86)
- flake: add file findutils procps to sysPackages (f548403)
- flake: add gnupg to devPackages (15d5ab9)
- flake: add less to sysPackages (28fabf8)
- flake: add nixpkgs cudaPackages.cudnn_8_5 to propagatedBuildInputs for nvidia-cudnn-cu11 (3a93f0a)
- flake: add nvitop to sysPackages for gpu mon (b65ebbf)
- flake: add which to sysPackages (70e4dad)
- flake: add workflows group to python packages (a4ad180)
- flake: align oci manifest package names with image names (44ef896)
- flake: define version variable and make ghcr upload conditional on its being non-empty (47ab603)
- flake: disable checkPhase (07123f1)
- flake: disable llvmlite wheel for all systems (c9db64d)
- flake: disable push to ghcr (319a587)
- flake: disable server image push to ghcr (c97fb9b)
- flake: enable ghcr and gar (ab80d40)
- flake: enable python-versioned dev envs (73465e4)
- flake: enable ssl for default build (b832d65)
- flake: exclude tests requiring pyensembl (a322b8e)
- flake: get
from nixpkgs23.05
(bce8928) - flake: move nvitop to extraPackages (a15a35d)
- flake: note ghcr for server images (764a534)
- flake: numba depends on tbb_2021_8 (d0e326b)
- flake: only tag with git sha (21bfd06)
- flake: parameterize devShells by python version (e26a1d7)
- flake: pass autoPatchelfHook to overrides (51e2274)
- flake: pass cudaPackages to overrides (6f179f8)
- flake: preferWheel for tensorstore (29118fb)
- flake: print value of
(70c9587) - flake: provide required tex packages (535d4c4)
- flake: push containers to artifact registry (3400a34)
- flake: reenable additional tags (df21086)
- flake: reenable train_model test on Linux (e748df3)
- flake: reenable upstream flocken (9150817)
- flake: remove dash from sysPackages (12793a8)
- flake: remove texliveSmall from devPackages (01f12b4)
- flake: reset appBuildInputs to none (d172d09)
- flake: restrict nvitop to x86_64-linux (d84dc84)
- flake: restrict torch nvidia overrides to x86_64-linux systems (7877359)
- flake: revert unstable code-server unavailable for aarch64-darwin (647cc10)
- flake: separate base from source-containing layers (cca450e)
- flake: set NUMBA_CACHE_DIR in default checkPhase (d135d41)
- flake: set QUARTO_PYTHON var in devshell (e368179)
- flake: set ref beta (a9c0728)
- flake: sort sysPackages (6bcca32)
- flake: switch poetry2nix patch ref (3988172)
- flake: switch to stable poetry2nix patch branch (820fa94)
- flake: switch to unstable for code-server (70096cd)
- flake: sysPackages bourne shell via dash (a679b9f)
- flake: sysPackages libgcc (f7c4489)
- flake: tensorstore requires setuptools (24522eb)
- flake: update checkPhase noting Darwin failure (980a0fd)
- flake: update poetry2nix cache public key (5908392)
- flake: use
(736a757) - flake: use base64 encoded SA creds (1dea556)
- flake: use env vars directly in image build (7570d41)
- flake: use flocken fork to enable crane tag (2f0c60e)
- flake: use refactored package drv (36410ef)
- flake: use unstable channel for k9s (93084c4)
- gcs: return file url from upload_file_* (7d5698e)
- genes: update logging (5a80f86)
- gha: add setup_environment action (a1d4d30)
- gha: disable independent actions (f3ae9fb)
- gha: pin dependencies in app (81455d3)
- gha: pin dependencies in build-images (a463e72)
- gha: pin dependencies in cid (3408631)
- gha: pin dependencies in cml-images (81c2542)
- gha: pin dependencies in colab (2ff5542)
- gha: pin dependencies in labeler (779225d)
- gha: pin dependencies in setup_environment (51d2349)
- gha: rename containers folder (0e4ccd9)
- gha: rename deploy to app (1540985)
- gha: update download-artifact (41d0119)
- gha: upgrade to node 20-based actions (afd7f60)
- gitattributes: linguist ignore Makefiles (508bddd)
- gitattributes: linguist ignore nbs and reproducibility (7c4f28d)
- gitignore: *-sa.json (9bd3132)
- gitignore:
(ab45036) - gitignore: add
(7ce78f6) - gitignore: add nix outputs (b2947ab)
- gitignore: add service-account-credentials.json (13b3985)
- gitignore: all *dev.cue (08c0108)
- gitignore: database files (092deee)
- gitignore: dev.cue (9d904b0)
- gitignore: docker-config.json (dd09617)
- gitignore: ignore ensembl cache directory (920cd20)
- gitignore: ignore local kube config files (9304c35)
- gitignore: ignore top-level reports dir (94d42c6)
- gitignore: mlflow and data (fee99ec)
- gitignore: models directory (f6e4208)
- gitignore: move sample dev pod configs (f77416e)
- gitignore: only ignore top-level data folder by default (8e9daf5)
- gitignore: only ignore top-level models directory (8ad7a6d)
- git: rename master to main (c608f9c)
- git: rename master to main (6743eeb)
- init: reenable workflow-independent public interface (fc2aae5)
- interfaces: declare dataclasses when TYPE_CHECKING (7576b4d)
- interfaces: define public interface (28113b6)
- interfaces: implicit import of typing.Optional (c147643)
- interfaces: use train_dataset from train module (76b5563)
- io: add ensembl batch 429 and 404 error handling (942a175)
- io: declare interface (44b6006)
- io: explicitly declare plumbum command with local (f67f1ad)
- io: use PathLike and Path objects for paths (6593afd)
- jupyter: reenable layer compression (28e9edf)
- labeler: add workflow_dispatch (74cf8bf)
- labels: add PR workflow control labels (b5649fd)
- labels: change workflow-mode-dev to dev-mode (c0c7d8f)
- logging: set local log level (8ee8513)
- magic-nix-cache: revert v3 update (d1c85f8)
- main_configuration: enable testing of primary data sets (5912daf)
- main_configuration: remove
fields fromWorkflowConfiguration
(016d885) - main_configuration: remove resource tuples (36fe9dd)
- main_workflow: construct training configurations explicitly (3f9f12c)
- main_workflow: reenable testing for primary data sets (5f04a8c)
- main_workflow: set cache parameters from constants (d247c75)
- main_workflow: specify accelerator type constant (d93d863)
- main_workflow: update docstrings (e1f726d)
- main_workflow: update logging (3f162e1)
- main_workflow: use NamedTuple class (618c430)
- make: add bazel targets (0f7b882)
- make: add commands to set fast forward variables (1e43b30)
- make: add debug and nodocs test targets (2f83b83)
- make: add devcontainer build targets (e7fc2b7)
- make: add docs-clean (430940a)
- make: add git ref/rev vars (1f70ea0)
- make: add HMAC key vars (1dc659d)
- make: add package dev targets (0d31924)
- make: add passthrough render-notebook target (465ebaa)
- make: add refresh target to remove cache (93ccd25)
- make: add s3 nix cache vars (102a3b5)
- make: add target for local jupyter server (84e4c68)
- make: add target to call make in subdirs (d09b4db)
- make: add target to get source archive hash (95768f9)
- make: add target to update a single flake input (56ddb26)
- make: add targets to clear local cache (f588cfe)
- make: add targets to deploy and delete dev module (40b7c64)
- make: add targets to export cpu requirements (fe5e09d)
- make: add update-ratchet target (ea11b10)
- make: add workflow-clean target (b9c1780)
- make: cache requirements with lock-bazel (84f155d)
- make: change _ to - in jupyter targets (29e491d)
- make: clear local cache for parameterized dataset name (dc0d9bd)
- make: comment ghsecrets for encoded GAR SA creds (ed954dc)
- make: deprecate nox and target (8f68d1a)
- make: disable setting CODECOV_TOKEN (d366338)
- make: disable token for local jupyter server (fac8f8f)
- make: do not lock bazel by default (276cffb)
- make: exclude additional modules from dep graph (58850a4)
- make: export hashed PyPI requirements (7e0d7f0)
- make: filter io and configuration from pydeps (ddf6d7d)
- make: install pre-commit from poetry (9778395)
- make: lint and apply cue module (4ccc220)
- make: move pod ID extraction inside cluster-shell target (7e31b54)
- make: parametrize cluster dev instance names (228eae8)
- make: print workflow env vars before execution (823d330)
- make: remove reports with workflow-clean-outputs (7f78b46)
- make: remove unused pydeps exclusion (0df6346)
- make: set cachix in gh vars/secrets (f5098eb)
- make: set codespace default machine to 64GB disk (5d7f747)
- make: set gh artifact registry password secret (36f5f66)
- make: split tree over lines (f9f1d1b)
- make: support multiple dev deployments (15fdda3)
- make: universally accept flake config (f8540f3)
- make: update docs targets (dccf668)
- make: update pre-commit targets (98d4c7c)
- make: update pydeps exclusions (901115b)
- make: update python lock targets (40fbfb5)
- make: update ratchet
(5337a8b) - make: update section headings (37d1a64)
- make: use correct requirements file with test-bazel (59f0514)
- make: use pre-commit set git meta variables (5063e86)
- make: use pyreverse for uml generation (ba5b674)
- make: use pyrovelocity cache (c1bf2b4)
- make: write requirements-main (a38380a)
- mergify: queue method fast-forward (f13bb43)
- mergify: remove base branch constraint (d9c4810)
- mergify: remove conditions from queue_rules (fecedff)
- mergify: update
names (e07cefd) - mergify: update bot account for merge (17ac41a)
- mergify: update check-success job names (87c51bf)
- mergify: update condition check names (8457594)
- meta: add pyrovelocity-reviewers to codeowners (b5c1a77)
- meta: sync versions with pyproject.toml (97d3c25)
- models: account for parameter space singularity (0c151c5)
- models: add deterministic inference model to public interface (fa27940)
- models: add newline to print inference data (22109eb)
- models: add observation flag to inference model (719db25)
- models: change logger from warning to debug (0221974)
- models: compute all kwargs inside plot_sample_trajectories_with_percentiles (df611a2)
- models: explicitly split rng keys (9144650)
- models: export deterministic simulation solver (4293af6)
- models: guard usage of latex behind path check (a31f769)
- models: import xarray.DataArray for type-checking (057022a)
- models: make sigma guess a parameter (2f16aec)
- models: multiple concrete dims examples (bc5a254)
- models: observation_flag -> data_observation_flag (b17a8f0)
- models: plot single timepoint data as vectorized series (6dd2256)
- models: refactor
from model (89de821) - models: refactor generate_predictive_samples (e835e7b)
- models: refactor plot_trajectory_with_percentiles to work with multiple timepoints per cell (b02d816)
- models: remove
refactor TODO comment (8593da0) - models: remove redundant Result container for plot_sample_trajectories (b7ca6e0)
- models: remove result wrapping from save_inference_plots (0aae2fe)
- models: return all indices from sort_times_over_all_cells (91c13ab)
- models: sample times from observed delta distribution (7a9bbd8)
- models: separately normalize plot_sample_phase_portraits colorbar for linear and log (d4ab537)
- models: update deterministic inference (495fde2)
- models: update dimensions in analytical solution test (de7e83c)
- models: update hyperparameter calibration test values (91a7934)
- models: update plot_sample_trajectories styling (a8291ae)
- models: use arbitrary initial condition in analytical solution (a676ca9)
- models: use ellipsis matching in xdoctests (505a255)
- models: use log-normal likelihood (580d2ef)
- models: use tmp_path fixture for model data (e17bf9b)
- models: use vectorized deterministic inference model (b67976a)
- nbs: account for parameter space singularity (cf0bb1e)
- nbs: add make target to update
directory (91a7f03) - nbs: add manual derivation of analytical solution (77dcce2)
- nbs: add plots to api docs (d247958)
- nbs: add sync-nb make target to upload to gdrive (9d4d7d0)
- nbs: link numpy (df49123)
- nbs: migrate toc to header (75bc1ae)
- nbs: move introduction to tutorials (5f02c73)
- nbs: remove gh pages badge (3574679)
- nbs: remove reference folder (77abb60)
- nbs: soft-link to top-level (15f45ff)
- nbs: static preview port (928a6cc)
- nbs: temporarily link index to readme (06216f7)
- nbs: update index (8945de3)
- nbs: update nb path in Makefile (7d0e389)
- nbs: update references (12e4f9b)
- nbs: update section contents (6883231)
- nbs: use gdrive notebook in colab link (fc760e6)
- nix: add all nvidia libraries to patchelf search path (aca7f99)
- nix: add required ctan pkgs to custom texlive (a09420a)
- nix: compress layers with zstandard (667a93d)
- nix: disable compression of base images (158150a)
- nix: disable package check on darwin (0843fa0)
- nix: draft override for attempted system call from sandbox on darwin (72a8e89)
- nix: include tex and lmodern in syspackages (e1357b9)
- nix: move env vars to top layer (b11fea5)
- nix: reenable impure rev from GIT_SHA var (a028a02)
- nix: refactor extraSysPackages (810e406)
- nix: refactor internal package drv (d8b2e03)
- nix: refactor pkgs to support lightweight devCore devShell (712b044)
- nix: separate maxLayers by three (86c432e)
- nix: update code image name (b9eee4b)
- nix: update package src path (c1bb1b6)
- notebooks: remove deprecated system calls (ccd5e65)
- parameters: comment verbose print statements (3e3f79f)
- pkgs: add bazel-buildtools to coreDevPackages (b6e5708)
- pkgs: add curl and wget to extraSysPackages (745884e)
- plot_gene_ranking: establish compatibility with adjusttext
(cf37f8e) - plots: add padding to plot gene ranking (9b3fa5e)
- plots: add types to plot_gene_ranking (8ed9a75)
- plots: add types to summarize gene selection (deeaba5)
- plots: address use of deprecated
(1631655) - plots: close figure in plot_gene_selection_summary (099e6fb)
- plots: close figure in plot_shared_time_uncertainty (ea34035)
- plots: default to loading data for predictive sampling to cpu (abcf58b)
- plots: enforce types for plot_parameter_posterior_distributions (8597820)
- plots: enforce types for plot_vector_field_summary (204db57)
- plots: guard usage of latex behind path check (d302e66)
- plots: reenable refactored rainbowplot (4c130ac)
- plots: set 10^-8 min for log-transformed values (f322d21)
- plots: support parameterized labels (216a512)
- plots: transform integer names to strings (40fc653)
- plots: use package style (2497337)
- poetry2nix: update overrides (06f5be4)
- poetry: default to local virtualenvs (8f475ad)
- postprocess: add types for multiple outputs (0523e73)
- postprocess: ensure
exists (3cff34f) - postprocess: use logger for printing (18206f7)
- postrpocess: lint imports (b55e373)
- pr-merge: declare explicit github actor and pat (ad09bc9)
- pre-commit: exclude dev dir (a882457)
- pre-commit: ignore changelog (a65e750)
- pre-commit: ignore flake.lock (9933c79)
- pre-commit: lint (5cddc71)
- pre-commit: remove set-git-env (2c51524)
- pre-commit: skip local hooks in ci (bb26f98)
- pre-commit: sync config with pyproject.toml (becd02e)
- pre-commit: update local hooks (42bc4e7)
- predictive: comment verbose print statements (d5160b6)
- predictive: use
input for data set model pairings (666e48e) - preprocess: add pca rep if not present (96afc5b)
- preprocess: close figure (f776c0e)
- preprocess: ensure n_vars > n_pcs (a892487)
- preprocess: host data set parameters in interface (f51a098)
- preprocess: make log-transformation explicit (ce489dd)
- preprocess: remove completed TODOs (970ac7a)
- preprocess: separate computation of neighbors (dd217c9)
- preprocess: specify public api (4114d9d)
- preprocess: update docstring (fc4a8b8)
- preprocess: update logging (32c42d8)
- pypi_template: add blank header cells (46ecc14)
- pypi_template: add exploration section (1da0a53)
- pypi_template: collapse installation instructions in callout note (266a940)
- pypi_template: remove unnecessary output capture (562892e)
- pypi_template: sync with library updates (954d242)
- pypi_template: update frontmatter (f8094b3)
- pypi_template: update gitignore (78c8447)
- pyproject: add block to export cpu requirements (09951dd)
- pyproject: add docformatter settings (23b715b)
- pyproject: add workflows deps (687e8c2)
- pyproject: allow python 3.11 installs (5f42c26)
- pyproject: annotate lint rules (75f6431)
- pyproject: convert all pins to lower bounds (8a5db53)
- pyproject: default to exclude tests that require pyensembl (cbd905e)
- pyproject: disable annoy (51ddce4)
- pyproject: disable poe (56ad8ef)
- pyproject: disable pytest warnings (d4d0ad8)
- pyproject: downgrade flax to remove tensorstore (6c86994)
- pyproject: enable pytorch and nvidia channels for conda-lock export (0f9cdec)
- pyproject: move to src (4e222fc)
- pyproject: omit scripts (55e9311)
- pyproject: pin
(134cede) - pyproject: pin conda-lock output to python 3.10 (8558b3e)
- pyproject: point main script to workflows cli (e35aa87)
- pyproject: pytest ignore reproducibility folder (434efae)
- pyproject: remove
(16cd201) - pyproject: remove desert (92bdd92)
- pyproject: remove marshmallow (e650341)
- pyproject: remove pipeline components (3c08f46)
- pyproject: remove unused deps (e6f66a9)
- pyproject: set default pytest logging to INFO (4522430)
- pyproject: update beartype
(ae3f37c) - pyproject: update conda-lock deps (4fa975a)
- pyproject: update docs dependencies (77fe0e3)
- pyproject: update extras (5d6063a)
- pyproject: update flax (6b664bf)
- pyproject: update tool configs (34621ec)
- pyrovelocity: add dunder main to launch cli as module (ff5b553)
- pyrovelocity: move to src (5f70c46)
- pyrovelocity: update dunder init (421c1f4)
- quarto: do not hard-code QUARTO_PYTHON in drv (2c8be95)
- quarto: vendor drv (e29b133)
- readme: change feature branch to beta (3ce409a)
- requirements-cpu: remove outdated hashed version (3a36c6e)
- requirements: rename to requirements-main (ed50b4d)
- resources: add cue versions (6b03d3d)
- scripts: cd with subshell (90423be)
- scripts: comment examples authors (8b48b48)
- scripts: disable sudo (073eeed)
- scripts: get colab scripts from beta branch (15a219b)
- scripts: update transcript analysis (9594ab9)
- scripts: use manual installation (ba68cd0)
- scripts: use poetry run (74bc828)
- set-git-env: account for absence of newline (8b475a1)
- setup_environment: add pandoc (2901217)
- setup_environment: add workflows group (fdbecc0)
- setup_environment: update setup-pandoc pin (24a8ef4)
- summarize: check phase portrait cache before exiting (6692a8a)
- summarize: include selected genes in summary figure (16fd344)
- summarize: respect typed interface to plot_vector_field_summary (bac7aad)
- summarize: save anndata dataframe in models directory (e2078e3)
- summarize: update interface and add types for multiple outputs (0dddefd)
- summarize: update shared time plot (8477626)
- summarize: update shared time plot font (cdb1f69)
- summary: support selected genes and marginal histograms (8d38ccd)
- test_data: test failure of mocked download (f18c159)
- test_utils: remove gillespie from random seed diff (df76a7f)
- tests: importing config from jax.config is deprecated (7a11ab4), closes /
- tests: make doctests run on cpu (f4543c5)
- tests: reenable bazel xdoctests (29c2371)
- tests: reenable top-level imports (2ea0032)
- tests: remove unused shape statements (7a0f0df)
- tests: setup_observational_data with explicit return values (7159f59)
- tests: update deterministic inference (c985797)
- tests: update deterministic inference for vectorized model (4f74faf)
- time: remove unused comments (3b7eab8)
- train:
with lightning AcceleratorRegistry keywords (0d708b6) - train: close figure (31f508b)
- trainer: cast categorical/integers as floats for log-transformation (62e7fd5)
- trainer: migrate epoch-end hooks for lightning >2 (3b68fff), closes /
- trainer: update logging (66db9d3)
- trainer: use inherited methods from VelocityModule (178abfe)
- train: log anndata contents before and after training (96ec859)
- train: move data set parameters to preprocess (0a0ea5f)
- train: update docstring (e958c45)
- train: update import path in doctest (a8f50d0)
- train: update interface (52e33da)
- train: use tmp_path fixture for loss plot (6af93ea)
- transcription_dynamics: enable type-checking (88e496c)
- uncertainty: comment verbose print statements (f776b80)
- uncertainty: transform integer names to strings (cb65bff)
- utils: comment unused functions (1c05fa2)
- utils: migrate clear_local_cache to workflows (08a6463)
- utils: remove deprecated print output from doctest (9443192)
- utils: remove externalized VelocityModule method (72747fc)
- utils: remove unused function (7bf4ffd)
- utils: specify public api (5e325d9)
- utils: temporarily reenable initialization function (5d4d6dc)
- utils: update AnnData type import (42d21d9)
- utils: update logging (107e2c1)
- utils: use numbers ABCs in output types (9d28080)
- vector_fields: comment verbose print statements (b455e85)
- velocity_model: enable type-checking of get_rna (4ffdfb9)
- velocity_model: handle likelihood not implemented (e5d06d2)
- velocity_model: remove debug logging of plate sizes (4ea3f4c)
- velocity_model: remove optional type defaults for observations (7b3a9bd)
- velocity_model: set create plates log to debug (6259e7a)
- velocity_model: set log name from module (7da7879)
- velocity_model: set u0/s0 types to RNAInputType (d12e0dd)
- velocity_model: update imports (87386a1)
- velocity_module:
with lightning AcceleratorRegistry keywords (2871370) - velocity_module: implement required inherited methods (885a841)
- velocity_module: remove deprecated print output from doctest (d283a00)
- velocity_module: update logging (ba81901)
- velocity:
with lightning AcceleratorRegistry keywords (b53a3c4) - velocity: cast categorical/integers as floats for log-transformation (6e1ab7f)
- velocity: update logging (21699b3)
- velocity: use configure_logging (3477268)
- velocity: use VelocityModule method instead of utils (8a4afbd)
- vscode: add cspell dictionary (4e5c7ae)
- vscode: add db client (23e0f00)
- vscode: disable
(7647f76) - vscode: disable autohide sidebar (e89f240)
- vscode: disable cli debug launch arguments (3b53b51)
- vscode: disable coverage to respect debugging breakpoints (48dd4b8), closes /
- vscode: disable python-environment-manager (14e6cba)
- vscode: do not search cue module dependencies (c3868cb)
- vscode: exclude
from search/watch (b2b63b5) - vscode: exclude search/watch hypothesis cache (60bf2ba)
- vscode: remove unavailable workspace setting (af62669)
- vscode: update extensions (fc89dab)
- vscode: update font sizes (4ea8f6e)
- vscode: update settings (687f2bb)
- vscode: update settings for devcontainer (3113bef)
- vscode: use basic project-manager (d73df90)
- workflows: add dunder main to cli (d0aabe6)
- workflows: add flag to test exclusively with simulated data (dc261fd)
- workflows: add summarizing task resources to configuration (45cd18a)
- workflows: append configurations (a68270e)
- workflows: disable spot for preprocess tasks (fdd89f0)
- workflows: enable cache for training tasks (86b9333)
- workflows: increase mem limit for preprocessing tasks (c360594)
- workflows: increase resources for preprocessing and training tasks (b0e81b1)
- workflows: lint docstring (ae7b3f4)
- workflows: make training_workflow dynamic (08d2a45)
- workflows: note migration to CalVer for cache versions (0e0ac49)
- workflows: read cache flag from env var (9488074)
- workflows: reenable CACHE_FLAG on summarize task (f563b24)
- workflows: set git refs logging to debug level (fc13152)
- workflows: set number of posterior samples in testing mode to 4 (25c8bd9)
- workflows: set preprocess data path (ecde0fa)
- workflows: set task resource limits (7416521)
- workflows: set workflow version to library version (f094130)
- workflows: simplify simulated-only selection (ba3baeb)
- workflows: update configuration for scikit-learn 1.5 (169e052)
- workflows: update training parameters in main configuration (984255b)
- workflows: use new outputs dataclasses (120f70f)
0.2.0-beta.22 (2024-07-12)
Bug Fixes
- argo: set provisioning mode and retry strategy (e4165ef)
- cid: disable building dev image (5a2e678)
- cid: disable publishing dev image (e1e4e19)
- cid: set build and publish image values for release (88b24c2)
- code: reenable layer compression (3af073c)
- containers: disable top-level source layer (5832044)
- containers: note build time difference with surface-level source layer composition (79bc2b8)
- containers: reenable layer compression (3535fa4)
- containers: reenable top-level source layer (fc929c8)
- devcontainer: sync extensions (3c8bada)
- flake: disable server image push to ghcr (c97fb9b)
- jupyter: reenable layer compression (28e9edf)
0.2.0-beta.21 (2024-07-10)
Bug Fixes
- build-nix-images: cache argo cli (416acc8)
- build-nix-images: disable cache (d85c34b)
- build-nix-images: pin actions cache to v4 hash (9dfcd8d)
- build-nix-images: preserve JSON list-formatted images argument (c6dec80)
- build-nix-images: skip build in dev mode (12ba002)
- cid: disable containerfile image builds (850afe8)
- cid: enable reusable workflow to build nix images (dc224bd)
- cid: include checkout_rev in set-variables outputs (e477c5b)
- cid: migrate build-images reusable action usage to source (221c073)
- cid: only test workflow image build by default (59daeb5)
- cid: pass mode to build-nix-images workflow (5c9ebf8)
- cid: reenable all image builds (3af29eb)
- cid: reenable cachix for release job (0513507)
- cid: set semantic release token variable (a9bacf3)
- cid: use
in all concurrency group keys (cf2641f) - containers: set default scrollback (43172b7)
- containers: update code extensions (257c5d7)
- containers: update SHELL path (50b2a79)
- flake: reenable upstream flocken (9150817)
- make: add commands to set fast forward variables (1e43b30)
- mergify: remove conditions from queue_rules (fecedff)
- pkgs: add bazel-buildtools to coreDevPackages (b6e5708)
- pr-merge: declare explicit github actor and pat (ad09bc9)
- vscode: disable python-environment-manager (14e6cba)
- vscode: remove unavailable workspace setting (af62669)
0.2.0-beta.20 (2024-07-08)
Bug Fixes
- actions: add build_nix_image artifact registry password (fc94cc2)
- actions: enable parallel cache uploads (c3cff98)
- actions: enable s3 nix cache (234ddf0)
- actions: print swap usage (f129b8b)
- actions: reenable cachix cache (64b7901)
- actions: reenable hosted cache (da269ff)
- actions: reenable local nix cache (a52c831)
- actions: reenable nixcached (15e9e96)
- actions: reenable remote nix cache (2a90045)
- actions: reenable remote s3 cache (c12cadc)
- actions: simplify build command execution logic (375c4d2)
- actions: temporarily disable nix cache upload (990440a)
- actions: temporarily disable nix cache upload options (2de1ee1)
- actions: use s3-compatibility HMAC keys and disable nixcached (5ef2162)
- cid: add artifact registry password secret env (30e4652)
- cid: decrease swap (321341b)
- cid: enable parallel cache uploads (c448bf6)
- cid: enable s3 nix cache for image builds (777c0b2)
- cid: enable s3 nix cache for test and release (a853056)
- cid: increase swap space (737bb28)
- cid: reenable nixcached (80d384a)
- cid: remove unused variables (2c81db3)
- cid: set default swap in build-nix-images (8c4d47d)
- cid: update permissions (3691884)
- cid: update swap size (da15b99)
- cid: update swap size (129eb72)
- cid: use s3-compatibility HMAC keys (b32e7fd)
- containers: add gcc lib to lib path (6d1c24b)
- containers: add just syntax extension (a9f3b7e)
- containers: add libgcc lib to lib path (30067b8)
- containers: add libgcc.lib lib to lib path (d32d8d1)
- containers: disable compression (853e00b)
- containers: disable timestamp of images (7b67175)
- containers: enable atuin daemon (046fa6f)
- containers: skip base images (5c7e001)
- dev: constraint config.persistence.accessMode to corev1.#PersistentVolumeAccessMode (a6fe1d5)
- dev: update base resources (b8c41d3)
- flake: define version variable and make ghcr upload conditional on its being non-empty (47ab603)
- flake: enable ghcr and gar (ab80d40)
- flake: note ghcr for server images (764a534)
- flake: only tag with git sha (21bfd06)
- flake: push containers to artifact registry (3400a34)
- flake: reenable additional tags (df21086)
- flake: separate base from source-containing layers (cca450e)
- flake: use flocken fork to enable crane tag (2f0c60e)
- make: add HMAC key vars (1dc659d)
- make: add s3 nix cache vars (102a3b5)
- make: set gh artifact registry password secret (36f5f66)
- nix: compress layers with zstandard (667a93d)
- nix: disable compression of base images (158150a)
- nix: move env vars to top layer (b11fea5)
- nix: separate maxLayers by three (86c432e)
- pre-commit: ignore flake.lock (9933c79)
0.2.0-beta.19 (2024-06-29)
Bug Fixes
- models: use ellipsis matching in xdoctests (505a255)
0.2.0-beta.18 (2024-06-29)
Bug Fixes
0.2.0-beta.17 (2024-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- pre-commit: ignore changelog (a65e750)
- tests: importing config from jax.config is deprecated (7a11ab4), closes /
0.2.0-beta.16 (2024-06-28)
Bug Fixes
- cid: use release tag to index release commit (b5ee22b)
0.2.0-beta.15 (2024-06-28)
- analysis: create module to generate transcriptome properties database (4fe27ae)
- cid: enable code-server image build (a8d02a9)
- cid: enable jupyter image build (263c319)
- dev: add nixbuild deployment (3678de8)
- dev: enable setting values for accessMode (d92c1a9)
- flake: build code-server container (bfeb171)
- flake: build jupyter container (b424a91)
- io: add async ensembl batch query and cache (2b15bf6)
- io: add async ensembl query and cache (997169f)
- io: add data fetch interface (2afa701)
- just: add recipes for teller (72a3676)
- make: generate architecture docs (c12607a)
- models: add deterministic model simulation functions (1445777)
- models: add dimensionless analytical solution (a3c97aa)
- models: add function to save determinstic inference plots (2096303)
- models: add module for calibrating hyperparameters (6ba593d)
- models: add plot_sample_phase_portraits (e136293)
- models: add plot_sample_trajectories function (56eaed3)
- models: add plot_sample_trajectories_with_percentiles (f661696)
- models: add posterior inference for deterministic model (2b5872b)
- models: implement print_inference_data_structure to describe InferenceData objects (32d2a0f)
- models: initialize deterministic inference (a71f4e0)
- nbs: add inference model description (f5176fc)
- nbs: add inference plots to concepts (38b61ef)
- nbs: add inference plots to rrv (44b915a)
- nbs: draft trajectories and phase portraits (b93eb69)
- nbs: include plot of analytical solution (3c545a7)
- nbs: initialize concepts page on inference in dynamical systems (3a7513b)
- nbs: update dimensional analysis (0873628)
- nbs: update inference model without times (756dd55)
- nbs: update references (1c93eb6)
- nix: add code-server container (d8e81ca)
- nix: add jupyter container (36c8e32)
- plots: draft simulation trajectory and phase portrait (582b5b7)
- scripts: draft extraction of gene length and polyA motif counts (b35c55d)
- styles: initialize mpl style file (56395ab)
- teller: add kubeconfig (13b0635)
- tests: add tests for deterministic simulation functions (8c2ec75)
- tests: add tests for transcriptome properties module (2a3e19c)
Bug Fixes
- actions: accept releaseVersion in build-nix-image (fc7f6ed)
- actions: set VERSION to inputs.releaseVersion (ac41ce1)
- analysis: allow PathLike in transcriptome properties (a6384a9)
- analysis: handle missing data in transcriptome properties db generation (08ba799)
- analysis: isolate pyensembl lazy import (ea55ab8)
- analysis: log warning rather than raising error on lazy imports (fa834d2)
- analysis: optionally write gene data to standalone tables (83b0007)
- analysis: summarize genomic and cdna sequences separately (a97feac)
- analysis: update artifact paths for generation vs testing (79dd945)
- analysis: use forward type hint for lazy import (436e526)
- analyze: separate computation of neighbors (d16b6dc)
- bazel: add deterministic inference tests module (cbc3321)
- bazel: enable test_deterministic_simulation (d202722)
- bazel: noexperimental_python_import_all_repositories (500b645), closes /
- bazel: separate small and medium test modules (6186da2)
- build_nix_image: disable post-build gc (9e52cb0)
- build_nix_image: use cachix cache (e93e951)
- build_nix_image: use default dev shell in clean nix store (fe6e851)
- cid: disable printing of image build logs (a991dd0)
- cid: enable publication of code and jupyter images (6e84c8d)
- cid: magic -> cachix (bfdfb91)
- cid: reenable bpdi concurrency group (6b657c9)
- cid: remove line break in test-nix job (70368b7)
- cid: root-reserve-mb 34816 -> 38912 (a03d745)
- cid: use cachix cache (c5f04c6)
- cid: use composite action to build and publish images (c3d5c69)
- cid: use default dev shell in clean nix store (0894674)
- containers: fix amd64 in compose configuration (0cad067)
- containers: nvidia-smi RPATH expects in /lib64 (436d52d)
- containers: set default locale variables (6800b08)
- deps: async and cli (b258ab9)
- determinstic_inference: note InferenceStage Sum type (53836f5)
- dev: default to deployment vs job (5f3a340)
- dev: default to nfs volumes (4ee68ed)
- dev: host active nixbuild cue config (bb923df)
- dev: host active pyrovelocitydev cue config (b8f2d25)
- dev: host example config in dev dir (5038272)
- dev: parameterize PVC access modes (471bd38)
- direnv: don’t enforce nix-direnv version (3379a73)
- env: set variables for dev access (e54484f)
- flake: add
to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (f6f1af3) - flake: align oci manifest package names with image names (44ef896)
- flake: disable push to ghcr (319a587)
- flake: enable python-versioned dev envs (73465e4)
- flake: exclude tests requiring pyensembl (a322b8e)
- flake: parameterize devShells by python version (e26a1d7)
- flake: pass autoPatchelfHook to overrides (51e2274)
- flake: pass cudaPackages to overrides (6f179f8)
- flake: update poetry2nix cache public key (5908392)
- flake: use env vars directly in image build (7570d41)
- flake: use refactored package drv (36410ef)
- gitignore: add
(7ce78f6) - gitignore: database files (092deee)
- gitignore: ignore ensembl cache directory (920cd20)
- interfaces: implicit import of typing.Optional (c147643)
- io: add ensembl batch 429 and 404 error handling (942a175)
- io: explicitly declare plumbum command with local (f67f1ad)
- make: add target to update a single flake input (56ddb26)
- make: disable token for local jupyter server (fac8f8f)
- make: install pre-commit from poetry (9778395)
- make: split tree over lines (f9f1d1b)
- make: support multiple dev deployments (15fdda3)
- make: use pyreverse for uml generation (ba5b674)
- models: account for parameter space singularity (0c151c5)
- models: add deterministic inference model to public interface (fa27940)
- models: add newline to print inference data (22109eb)
- models: add observation flag to inference model (719db25)
- models: change logger from warning to debug (0221974)
- models: compute all kwargs inside plot_sample_trajectories_with_percentiles (df611a2)
- models: explicitly split rng keys (9144650)
- models: export deterministic simulation solver (4293af6)
- models: guard usage of latex behind path check (a31f769)
- models: make sigma guess a parameter (2f16aec)
- models: multiple concrete dims examples (bc5a254)
- models: observation_flag -> data_observation_flag (b17a8f0)
- models: plot single timepoint data as vectorized series (6dd2256)
- models: refactor
from model (89de821) - models: refactor generate_predictive_samples (e835e7b)
- models: refactor plot_trajectory_with_percentiles to work with multiple timepoints per cell (b02d816)
- models: remove
refactor TODO comment (8593da0) - models: remove redundant Result container for plot_sample_trajectories (b7ca6e0)
- models: remove result wrapping from save_inference_plots (0aae2fe)
- models: return all indices from sort_times_over_all_cells (91c13ab)
- models: sample times from observed delta distribution (7a9bbd8)
- models: separately normalize plot_sample_phase_portraits colorbar for linear and log (d4ab537)
- models: update deterministic inference (495fde2)
- models: update dimensions in analytical solution test (de7e83c)
- models: update hyperparameter calibration test values (91a7934)
- models: update plot_sample_trajectories styling (a8291ae)
- models: use arbitrary initial condition in analytical solution (a676ca9)
- models: use log-normal likelihood (580d2ef)
- models: use vectorized deterministic inference model (b67976a)
- nbs: account for parameter space singularity (cf0bb1e)
- nbs: add manual derivation of analytical solution (77dcce2)
- nbs: update nb path in Makefile (7d0e389)
- nbs: update references (12e4f9b)
- nix: add all nvidia libraries to patchelf search path (aca7f99)
- nix: add required ctan pkgs to custom texlive (a09420a)
- nix: disable package check on darwin (0843fa0)
- nix: draft override for attempted system call from sandbox on darwin (72a8e89)
- nix: include tex and lmodern in syspackages (e1357b9)
- nix: refactor extraSysPackages (810e406)
- nix: refactor internal package drv (d8b2e03)
- nix: update code image name (b9eee4b)
- nix: update package src path (c1bb1b6)
- pkgs: add curl and wget to extraSysPackages (745884e)
- plots: guard usage of latex behind path check (d302e66)
- plots: set 10^-8 min for log-transformed values (f322d21)
- plots: support parameterized labels (216a512)
- plots: use package style (2497337)
- poetry2nix: update overrides (06f5be4)
- poetry: default to local virtualenvs (8f475ad)
- preprocess: separate computation of neighbors (dd217c9)
- pyproject: default to exclude tests that require pyensembl (cbd905e)
- pyproject: disable annoy (51ddce4)
- pyproject: disable poe (56ad8ef)
- pyproject: omit scripts (55e9311)
- quarto: do not hard-code QUARTO_PYTHON in drv (2c8be95)
- quarto: vendor drv (e29b133)
- scripts: update transcript analysis (9594ab9)
- tests: remove unused shape statements (7a0f0df)
- tests: setup_observational_data with explicit return values (7159f59)
- tests: update deterministic inference (c985797)
- tests: update deterministic inference for vectorized model (4f74faf)
- vscode: add db client (23e0f00)
- vscode: use basic project-manager (d73df90)
- workflows: make training_workflow dynamic (08d2a45)
- workflows: update configuration for scikit-learn 1.5 (169e052)
0.2.0-beta.14 (2024-03-29)
Bug Fixes
0.2.0-beta.13 (2024-03-26)
- ci: check and fast-forward merge PRs (251e11f)
- help: add help module (d30f670)
- make: add targets to build and serve nbs (28e3779)
- nbs: add interlinks extension (dc99563)
- nbs: add sn extension (7e4331c)
- nbs: add user example to templates (bbeceaf)
- nbs: copy contributing (c7f84d8)
- nbs: enable api reference docs (cf4e1a9)
- nbs: export ipynb format (b174e95)
- nbs: init installation (258fdc1)
- pypi_template: add workflow execution example (c69767d)
- pypi_template: generate and display figure outputs (a0111e2)
- pypi_template: include training and summary for two distinct model classes (217a3fd)
- scripts: add nbs build script (59f708f)
- scripts: init pypi template (5ed5f10)
- scripts: pull _freeze from dvc cache during nbs build (45d191b)
- utils: add class to suppress function output (76af2cc)
- utils: add print_config_tree (e3546df)
- workflows: add medium resources category to configuration (aad47f4)
- workflows: separate summarize cache version (55ada29)
Bug Fixes
- analyze: add types to compute_volcano_data (34885da)
- conda: install pytorch from pytorch channel (750a324)
- containers: use requirements-main.txt (25a13dc)
- cytotrace: remove a subset of unnecessary print statements (1847cbd)
- dev: add minimal/testing example config (c7bd905)
- docs: migrate history to CHANGELOG (1204056)
- docs: separate cool and warm logos (b30e041)
- docs: sync description (98fb385)
- docs: update sphinx conf exclude pattern from colab to template (4363b90)
- dvc: update remote path (1476bc2)
- gitignore:
(ab45036) - gitignore: only ignore top-level data folder by default (8e9daf5)
- init: reenable workflow-independent public interface (fc2aae5)
- make: add passthrough render-notebook target (465ebaa)
- make: add refresh target to remove cache (93ccd25)
- make: add workflow-clean target (b9c1780)
- make: print workflow env vars before execution (823d330)
- make: write requirements-main (a38380a)
- nbs: add make target to update
directory (91a7f03) - nbs: add plots to api docs (d247958)
- nbs: add sync-nb make target to upload to gdrive (9d4d7d0)
- nbs: link numpy (df49123)
- nbs: migrate toc to header (75bc1ae)
- nbs: move introduction to tutorials (5f02c73)
- nbs: remove gh pages badge (3574679)
- nbs: remove reference folder (77abb60)
- nbs: soft-link to top-level (15f45ff)
- nbs: static preview port (928a6cc)
- nbs: temporarily link index to readme (06216f7)
- nbs: update index (8945de3)
- nbs: update section contents (6883231)
- nbs: use gdrive notebook in colab link (fc760e6)
- plot_gene_ranking: establish compatibility with adjusttext
(cf37f8e) - plots: add padding to plot gene ranking (9b3fa5e)
- plots: add types to plot_gene_ranking (8ed9a75)
- plots: add types to summarize gene selection (deeaba5)
- plots: close figure in plot_gene_selection_summary (099e6fb)
- plots: close figure in plot_shared_time_uncertainty (ea34035)
- plots: default to loading data for predictive sampling to cpu (abcf58b)
- plots: enforce types for plot_parameter_posterior_distributions (8597820)
- plots: enforce types for plot_vector_field_summary (204db57)
- plots: reenable refactored rainbowplot (4c130ac)
- postprocess: use logger for printing (18206f7)
- predictive: use
input for data set model pairings (666e48e) - preprocess: close figure (f776c0e)
- preprocess: update docstring (fc4a8b8)
- pypi_template: add blank header cells (46ecc14)
- pypi_template: add exploration section (1da0a53)
- pypi_template: collapse installation instructions in callout note (266a940)
- pypi_template: remove unnecessary output capture (562892e)
- pypi_template: sync with library updates (954d242)
- pypi_template: update frontmatter (f8094b3)
- pypi_template: update gitignore (78c8447)
- pyrovelocity: update dunder init (421c1f4)
- requirements: rename to requirements-main (ed50b4d)
- scripts: cd with subshell (90423be)
- scripts: comment examples authors (8b48b48)
- scripts: disable sudo (073eeed)
- scripts: use manual installation (ba68cd0)
- scripts: use poetry run (74bc828)
- summarize: check phase portrait cache before exiting (6692a8a)
- summarize: include selected genes in summary figure (16fd344)
- summarize: respect typed interface to plot_vector_field_summary (bac7aad)
- summarize: update shared time plot (8477626)
- summarize: update shared time plot font (cdb1f69)
- summary: support selected genes and marginal histograms (8d38ccd)
- train: close figure (31f508b)
- train: update docstring (e958c45)
- utils: migrate clear_local_cache to workflows (08a6463)
- workflows: note migration to CalVer for cache versions (0e0ac49)
- workflows: read cache flag from env var (9488074)
0.2.0-beta.12 (2024-03-16)
Bug Fixes
0.2.0-beta.11 (2024-03-14)
- actions: add composite action for build_nix_image (1f621ce)
- cid: add job to publish nix flake (5a52753)
- cid: add python 3.11 to test-python matrix (1896c0d)
- flake: add devCore lightweight devShell (96fdfe3)
- flake: add latex and pandoc (bff7410)
- flake: add quarto to devPackages (d6e3eca)
- flake: use refactored poetryOverrides (7f37d36)
- interfaces: add AcceleratorType Enum for future replacement of
type annotations (0122307) - io: add fsspec interface (eb3ae02)
- io: add gcs interface (1491a1b)
- io: add googleapiclient interface (a7a36b6)
- io: create archive from filtered directory (814f184)
- main_configuration: add dataclasses for outputs (abdd8e0)
- make: add target to build nix default package (692b4f7)
- nix-config: refactor poetryOverrides (13714f1)
- nix: add btop to coreDevPackages (95f060f)
- scripts: add colab (3ff98b9)
- scripts: add literate template (2cfbd4d)
- scripts: add manuscript template (ce65847)
- scripts: extract imported packages from library (8957327)
- summarize: add summarize task module (4c1adbf)
- tests: add utils package (d38a219)
- utils: add function to save anndata counts to dataframe file (f9d6a91)
- vscode: add debug test launcher for library code (abef67f)
- workflows: add model summary task (1446119)
- workflows: draft notebooks execution workflow (34b8f47)
- workflows: expose
via ExecutionContext (9c1a633)
Bug Fixes
- actions: nix store gc 5 -> 3G (59f74bf)
- actions: reenable post-build garbage collection (37f1d78)
- actions: restrict nix gc (d8c68e9)
- actions: use skopeo instead of docker (b5b908e)
- app: update action versions (283d6c6)
- cid: add clean nix store to publish release images (a2daf9a)
- cid: add GAR env to publish release images (790045a)
- cid: add names to test-nix job steps (ad25df9)
- cid: do not rerun on draft submission (5314c8d)
- cid: ignore changes to colab workflow (3c36296)
- cid: ignore explicit lock files (1552086)
- cid: image builds condition on NOT dev mode (947bfa0)
- cid: include python version in test-python concurrency group (9411e8f)
- cid: publish flake on release (72c0841)
- cid: reduce root reserve (94ec314)
- cid: reenable restriction to x86_64-linux (1d0320e)
- cid: remove deprecated nix image build matrix (1aa74f0)
- cid: test-nix maximize build space (43600cb)
- cid: update test-nix nix build comments (e054a60)
- cid: use dev-mode label (2a4f469)
- cid: use local nix cache (ba638f6)
- cid: use local nix cache (f929dbd)
- colab: set cuda 12.2 (f8c6a73)
- colab: set unique path for constructor script (aeff7c6)
- colab: update action versions (88bd978)
- conda: default to python 3.10 (c093849)
- conda: move python version to top (fec219b)
- data: lint f-strings (6324327)
- data: remove call to copy method (979110a)
- data: set default adata None and handle (2a267e0)
- direnv: update containers watch_path (4e622d3)
- direnv: update pkgs watch_path (84b526c)
- direnv: update poetry watch_file path (ae3db70)
- examples: add install-tinytex make target (f1f7523)
- examples: force removal of _files dir (518567f)
- examples: ignore .quarto (bc4d21a)
- examples: set html font (3df5652)
- examples: set install-extensions deps (e034add)
- examples: support render without execution (9b6458e)
- execute: add random suffix to remote prod execution version (4553adf)
- flake: add extraEnv vars to makeContainerConfig (1219d86)
- flake: enable ssl for default build (b832d65)
- flake: preferWheel for tensorstore (29118fb)
- flake: provide required tex packages (535d4c4)
- flake: reenable train_model test on Linux (e748df3)
- flake: remove texliveSmall from devPackages (01f12b4)
- flake: reset appBuildInputs to none (d172d09)
- flake: restrict nvitop to x86_64-linux (d84dc84)
- flake: restrict torch nvidia overrides to x86_64-linux systems (7877359)
- flake: revert unstable code-server unavailable for aarch64-darwin (647cc10)
- flake: set QUARTO_PYTHON var in devshell (e368179)
- flake: switch to unstable for code-server (70096cd)
- flake: tensorstore requires setuptools (24522eb)
- flake: update checkPhase noting Darwin failure (980a0fd)
- flake: use
(736a757) - genes: update logging (5a80f86)
- gitignore: ignore top-level reports dir (94d42c6)
- gitignore: move sample dev pod configs (f77416e)
- interfaces: declare dataclasses when TYPE_CHECKING (7576b4d)
- io: declare interface (44b6006)
- io: use PathLike and Path objects for paths (6593afd)
- labels: change workflow-mode-dev to dev-mode (c0c7d8f)
- main_workflow: update logging (3f162e1)
- make: add docs-clean (430940a)
- make: add target to call make in subdirs (d09b4db)
- make: add target to get source archive hash (95768f9)
- make: add targets to clear local cache (f588cfe)
- make: clear local cache for parameterized dataset name (dc0d9bd)
- make: remove reports with workflow-clean-outputs (7f78b46)
- make: update ratchet
(5337a8b) - make: use pyrovelocity cache (c1bf2b4)
- mergify: update bot account for merge (17ac41a)
- mergify: update condition check names (8457594)
- nix: reenable impure rev from GIT_SHA var (a028a02)
- nix: refactor pkgs to support lightweight devCore devShell (712b044)
- notebooks: remove deprecated system calls (ccd5e65)
- parameters: comment verbose print statements (3e3f79f)
- plots: address use of deprecated
(1631655) - plots: transform integer names to strings (40fc653)
- postprocess: add types for multiple outputs (0523e73)
- postrpocess: lint imports (b55e373)
- predictive: comment verbose print statements (d5160b6)
- preprocess: make log-transformation explicit (ce489dd)
- preprocess: update logging (32c42d8)
- pyproject: add workflows deps (687e8c2)
- pyproject: allow python 3.11 installs (5f42c26)
- pyproject: annotate lint rules (75f6431)
- pyproject: convert all pins to lower bounds (8a5db53)
- pyproject: downgrade flax to remove tensorstore (6c86994)
- pyproject: pin conda-lock output to python 3.10 (8558b3e)
- pyproject: remove desert (92bdd92)
- pyproject: remove marshmallow (e650341)
- pyproject: remove unused deps (e6f66a9)
- pyproject: update extras (5d6063a)
- pyproject: update flax (6b664bf)
- summarize: save anndata dataframe in models directory (e2078e3)
- summarize: update interface and add types for multiple outputs (0dddefd)
- test_data: test failure of mocked download (f18c159)
- time: remove unused comments (3b7eab8)
- train:
with lightning AcceleratorRegistry keywords (0d708b6) - trainer: migrate epoch-end hooks for lightning >2 (3b68fff), closes /
- trainer: update logging (66db9d3)
- train: log anndata contents before and after training (96ec859)
- uncertainty: comment verbose print statements (f776b80)
- uncertainty: transform integer names to strings (cb65bff)
- utils: remove deprecated print output from doctest (9443192)
- utils: remove unused function (7bf4ffd)
- utils: temporarily reenable initialization function (5d4d6dc)
- utils: update logging (107e2c1)
- utils: use numbers ABCs in output types (9d28080)
- vector_fields: comment verbose print statements (b455e85)
- velocity_module:
with lightning AcceleratorRegistry keywords (2871370) - velocity_module: remove deprecated print output from doctest (d283a00)
- velocity_module: update logging (ba81901)
- velocity:
with lightning AcceleratorRegistry keywords (b53a3c4) - velocity: update logging (21699b3)
- workflows: add dunder main to cli (d0aabe6)
- workflows: add flag to test exclusively with simulated data (dc261fd)
- workflows: add summarizing task resources to configuration (45cd18a)
- workflows: append configurations (a68270e)
- workflows: lint docstring (ae7b3f4)
- workflows: reenable CACHE_FLAG on summarize task (f563b24)
- workflows: set git refs logging to debug level (fc13152)
- workflows: set number of posterior samples in testing mode to 4 (25c8bd9)
- workflows: simplify simulated-only selection (ba3baeb)
- workflows: use new outputs dataclasses (120f70f)
0.2.0-beta.10 (2024-02-24)
- cid: skip image build if one with commit sha tag already exists (cba38e4)
- containers: add dyngen container (de3abae)
- containers: add script to generate simulated data (05b49c2)
- dev: add hpa config (dadb4d1)
- dev: add job config (da03a27)
- dev: update example config for job (c956103)
- execution_utils: support nested dataclasses (a382204)
- flake: add GAR images (eaaddfe)
- flake: add time to sysPackages (8d1c994)
- make: add target to build dyngen image (1c46950)
- make: add target to copy file to cluster pod (7d22b0c)
- make: add target to disable zsh
reserved word (be99bd9) - make: add target to forward port from dev pod (f9cff22)
- make: add target to toggle local virtualenvs (b96691d)
- postprocess: add postprocess module (d565e27)
- preprocess: allow subsets of obs and vars (93a0465)
- utils: add function to generate public api candidates (402259e)
- workflows: add postprocessing task (5654b6c)
Bug Fixes
- analyze: define public interface (0ee8e58)
- cid: add nix envs for GAR images (5fda3ee)
- cid: set build volume mount path
(d542fa6) - cid: use base64 encoded SA creds (29af74e)
- colab: add maximize build space (9d014b1)
- colab: increase root reserve (37058af)
- conda: remove redundant cuda installation (d61866b)
- data: update public interface (54932e6)
- dev: config pvc name (2d1d08b)
- dev: remove default latest tag from image spec [no ci] (24a1ff4)
- dev: set default pvc name to dev (0a656eb)
- dev: set update strategy to recreate (f79a958)
- dev: update config to use job vs deployment (cd7537f)
- dev: use config pvc name in deployment (3027f0f)
- dev: use config pvc name in job (77e0ca5)
- dev: use config pvc name in pvc (57310ca)
- execute: print fallback logger exceptions (2f98d2e)
- execute: remove unused comments (1dbd3f8)
- flake: use base64 encoded SA creds (1dea556)
- gitignore: *-sa.json (9bd3132)
- gitignore: all *dev.cue (08c0108)
- interfaces: define public interface (28113b6)
- logging: set local log level (8ee8513)
- main_configuration: enable testing of primary data sets (5912daf)
- main_configuration: remove
fields fromWorkflowConfiguration
(016d885) - main_configuration: remove resource tuples (36fe9dd)
- main_workflow: construct training configurations explicitly (3f9f12c)
- main_workflow: reenable testing for primary data sets (5f04a8c)
- main_workflow: set cache parameters from constants (d247c75)
- main_workflow: specify accelerator type constant (d93d863)
- make: comment ghsecrets for encoded GAR SA creds (ed954dc)
- models: use tmp_path fixture for model data (e17bf9b)
- postprocess: ensure
exists (3cff34f) - preprocess: add pca rep if not present (96afc5b)
- preprocess: ensure n_vars > n_pcs (a892487)
- preprocess: host data set parameters in interface (f51a098)
- preprocess: specify public api (4114d9d)
- pyrovelocity: add dunder main to launch cli as module (ff5b553)
- train: move data set parameters to preprocess (0a0ea5f)
- train: update interface (52e33da)
- train: use tmp_path fixture for loss plot (6af93ea)
- utils: specify public api (5e325d9)
- velocity_model: remove debug logging of plate sizes (4ea3f4c)
- workflows: update training parameters in main configuration (984255b)
0.2.0-beta.9 (2024-02-03)
- api: typecheck train_model and allow path inputs (fbd34bf)
- conftest: provide global fixture to file for sample data (409d96d)
- data: add load_anndata_from_path (7d43e29)
- data: support subsetting during data download (fa066cd)
- flake: update torch >2 (6b838d3)
- interfaces: collect dataclass interfaces (f2c6ea9)
- main_workflow: add model training task (4ca67b4)
- main_workflow: use dataclass interfaces (2324654)
- make: add cluster-shell target (23c3d5e)
- preprocess: refactor for compatibility with dataclass interface (19c7b68)
- pyproject: add requests-mock for testing (42db104)
- pyproject: upgrade stable dependencies (7698cf7)
- test_data: add tests for data module methods (dcd8276)
- train: add training script for workflow usage (5fcf4c3)
- workflows: add pbmc68k, pons, and larry data sets (41c18e2)
Bug Fixes
- api: discard returned adata in doctest (78456f8)
- bazel: remove unused test modules (a724853)
- cid: enable cachix cache for build-nix-images job (63e545f)
- cid: enable cachix for release images (49075ef)
- cid: enable cachix for test-nix job (f533984)
- cid: increase root reserve and swap (8035847)
- cid: increase swap size (3ea04b7), closes /
- cid: reduce swap (87cb626)
- cid: remove debug (95a88f3)
- cid: update codecov-action to v4 (e0dbda3)
- cid: update nix-installer to main (98a0b78)
- cspell: update dictionary (119f436)
- data: make var names unique (8fb44f8)
- dev: add example security context overrides (4ac343d)
- execution_utils: construct dataclasses given defaults (fa95db3)
- gitignore: models directory (f6e4208)
- gitignore: only ignore top-level models directory (8ad7a6d)
- interfaces: use train_dataset from train module (76b5563)
- magic-nix-cache: revert v3 update (d1c85f8)
- main_workflow: update docstrings (e1f726d)
- main_workflow: use NamedTuple class (618c430)
- make: exclude additional modules from dep graph (58850a4)
- make: filter io and configuration from pydeps (ddf6d7d)
- make: move pod ID extraction inside cluster-shell target (7e31b54)
- make: remove unused pydeps exclusion (0df6346)
- make: set cachix in gh vars/secrets (f5098eb)
- preprocess: remove completed TODOs (970ac7a)
- pyproject: pytest ignore reproducibility folder (434efae)
- requirements-cpu: remove outdated hashed version (3a36c6e)
- setup_environment: update setup-pandoc pin (24a8ef4)
- trainer: cast categorical/integers as floats for log-transformation (62e7fd5)
- train: update import path in doctest (a8f50d0)
- transcription_dynamics: enable type-checking (88e496c)
- utils: comment unused functions (1c05fa2)
- utils: update AnnData type import (42d21d9)
- velocity_model: handle likelihood not implemented (e5d06d2)
- velocity_model: remove optional type defaults for observations (7b3a9bd)
- velocity_model: set u0/s0 types to RNAInputType (d12e0dd)
- velocity_model: update imports (87386a1)
- velocity: cast categorical/integers as floats for log-transformation (6e1ab7f)
- vscode: disable coverage to respect debugging breakpoints (48dd4b8), closes /
- workflows: enable cache for training tasks (86b9333)
- workflows: increase resources for preprocessing and training tasks (b0e81b1)
- workflows: set preprocess data path (ecde0fa)
- workflows: set task resource limits (7416521)
0.2.0-beta.8 (2024-01-26)
- workflow: add preprocess data tasks (d4f5f89)
Bug Fixes
- _velocity: update doctest imports for preprocess (44db75b)
- api: update doctest imports for preprocess (8cc6683)
- cid: update pages actions hashes (c684dd4)
- make: add update-ratchet target (ea11b10)
- workflows: disable spot for preprocess tasks (fdd89f0)
- workflows: increase mem limit for preprocessing tasks (c360594)
0.2.0-beta.7 (2024-01-24)
- workflows: map over multiple data sets (4c8cc01)
Bug Fixes
0.2.0-beta.6 (2024-01-24)
- bazel: add aspect lib (512e127)
- bazel: add xdoctest macro (b39b26e)
- bazel: generate pip-compile requirements (e38acf6)
- bazel: use all_requirements for package library (165b84a)
- data: validate urls and file size before download attempt (b9b6f0b)
- main_workflow: setup download_data task (9cfdcce)
- make: add pydeps target to render graph (ff2e8b3)
- pypi: add cpu-only requirements (cbb95d6)
- vscode: add fileutils (e5dfb0a)
- workflows: add main workflow (153e12c)
Bug Fixes
- bazel: add aspect lib to root rc (b661bff)
- bazel: add ci configs (9c15b5a)
- bazel: move py_library to workspace-level for xdoctest (29a3a7f)
- bazel: remove platform-specific requirements (bfeab1b)
- bazel: set target platforms “all” (3ab6152)
- bazel: use cpu requirements (a040872)
- bazel: use py_test from rules_python in py_test_module_list (fffb0d6)
- bazel: use requirements-bazel.txt (d7f3969)
- bazel: use standard pip hub name (d027451)
- cid: add actions cache for bazel (85a6576)
- cid: cache cpu requirements (4e1b37c)
- cid: check cache for requirements or regenerate (3109d5e)
- cid: check disk usage (db2e99e)
- cid: disable lock-bazel (1407ea1)
- cid: lock-bazel before tests (f53b8f8)
- cid: reenable execute-workflow dep on image builds (#502) (c00124e)
- cid: save updated requirements artifact (793b1c7)
- cid: use bazel make targets (a46d544)
- cid: use test-python job name (0b3226f)
- cspell: add cytotrace (2fb9099)
- cspell: add scanpy (f9002ac)
- cspell: add type checking (e027023)
- data: use string inputs for
(887768a) - gitignore: mlflow and data (fee99ec)
- make: add bazel targets (0f7b882)
- make: add debug and nodocs test targets (2f83b83)
- make: add targets to export cpu requirements (fe5e09d)
- make: cache requirements with lock-bazel (84f155d)
- make: do not lock bazel by default (276cffb)
- make: update pydeps exclusions (901115b)
- make: use correct requirements file with test-bazel (59f0514)
- mergify: update check-success job names (87c51bf)
- pyproject: add block to export cpu requirements (09951dd)
- pyproject: add docformatter settings (23b715b)
- pyproject: disable pytest warnings (d4d0ad8)
- pyproject: point main script to workflows cli (e35aa87)
- pyproject: set default pytest logging to INFO (4522430)
- test_utils: remove gillespie from random seed diff (df76a7f)
- tests: make doctests run on cpu (f4543c5)
- tests: reenable bazel xdoctests (29c2371)
- tests: reenable top-level imports (2ea0032)
- trainer: use inherited methods from VelocityModule (178abfe)
- utils: remove externalized VelocityModule method (72747fc)
- velocity_model: enable type-checking of get_rna (4ffdfb9)
- velocity_model: set create plates log to debug (6259e7a)
- velocity_model: set log name from module (7da7879)
- velocity_module: implement required inherited methods (885a841)
- velocity: use configure_logging (3477268)
- velocity: use VelocityModule method instead of utils (8a4afbd)
- vscode: add cspell dictionary (4e5c7ae)
- vscode: disable
(7647f76) - vscode: disable autohide sidebar (e89f240)
- vscode: disable cli debug launch arguments (3b53b51)
- vscode: exclude search/watch hypothesis cache (60bf2ba)
- vscode: update extensions (fc89dab)
- vscode: update settings (687f2bb)
- workflows: set workflow version to library version (f094130)
0.2.0-beta.5 (2024-01-15)
Bug Fixes
- gitignore: add service-account-credentials.json (13b3985)
0.2.0-beta.4 (2024-01-15)
Bug Fixes
0.2.0-beta.3 (2024-01-11)
- cid: build workflow execution container (8e9999e)
- dev: add cluster dev resource manifests (812a327)
- dev: add cue module (9d1e729)
- dev: add example cue values (001a181)
- docker-config: add example.json (346b787)
- flake: add htop to devPackages (9dc2760)
- flake: add openvscode-server to devPackages (af19432)
- flake: add workflow execution container (8215232)
- make: add cluster config targets (3ce33c9)
- make: add container targets (e9b158d)
- make: add target to render dev manifest (b4c11a2)
- make: add target to show closure size for a store path (a292cd9)
- make: add targets for in-cluster dev (0c6cae3)
- make: add targets to (un)pin gha commit hashes (d43b964)
- make: add vscode targets (335ed1f)
- make: add workflow execution targets (ed0f2dc)
- make: test packaging of dev module (7080a6e)
- pyproject: add workflow execution dep group (9e8fbcc)
- pyrovelocity: add workflow execution package (ffd2808)
- pyrovelocitydev: add cue module (1aa633a)
- skaffold: add config (b4e02bd)
Bug Fixes
- build-images: add
to pkg.Dockerfile image name (bdb6fa4) - cid: add maximize-build-space step to nix image build (3baf69b)
- cid: paths-ignore array (9e86990)
- cid: publish workflow execution image (8380d2b)
- cid: set git variables in test-nix job (f41170b)
- cid: use hyphen in run target (7341089)
- compose: set
(db19f08) - compose: use zsh in jupyter (a2852ad)
- devcontainer: vsliveshare reference (c151ee2)
- dev: require command and args in deployment (ff74b8c)
- dev: set replicas default (1->0->1) to toggle state (d5ecb52)
- docs: link to example dev env in installation (e6118da)
- docs: mark
as documentation (e0d93d9) - dotenv: add cluster dev namespace (9d671b7)
- dotenv: update container and cluster config (cc31ec3)
- envrc: execute set-git-env script (63c8367)
- extensions: duplicate devcontainer as recs (74ad1b1)
- flake: add cluster tools to devPackages (7a5d948)
- flake: add file findutils procps to sysPackages (f548403)
- flake: add gnupg to devPackages (15d5ab9)
- flake: add less to sysPackages (28fabf8)
- flake: add nixpkgs cudaPackages.cudnn_8_5 to propagatedBuildInputs for nvidia-cudnn-cu11 (3a93f0a)
- flake: add which to sysPackages (70e4dad)
- flake: add workflows group to python packages (a4ad180)
- flake: get
from nixpkgs23.05
(bce8928) - flake: move nvitop to extraPackages (a15a35d)
- flake: remove dash from sysPackages (12793a8)
- flake: sort sysPackages (6bcca32)
- flake: sysPackages bourne shell via dash (a679b9f)
- flake: sysPackages libgcc (f7c4489)
- flake: use unstable channel for k9s (93084c4)
- gha: pin dependencies in app (81455d3)
- gha: pin dependencies in build-images (a463e72)
- gha: pin dependencies in cid (3408631)
- gha: pin dependencies in cml-images (81c2542)
- gha: pin dependencies in colab (2ff5542)
- gha: pin dependencies in labeler (779225d)
- gha: pin dependencies in setup_environment (51d2349)
- gitignore: add nix outputs (b2947ab)
- gitignore: dev.cue (9d904b0)
- gitignore: docker-config.json (dd09617)
- gitignore: ignore local kube config files (9304c35)
- make: add devcontainer build targets (e7fc2b7)
- make: add target for local jupyter server (84e4c68)
- make: add targets to deploy and delete dev module (40b7c64)
- make: change _ to - in jupyter targets (29e491d)
- make: deprecate nox and target (8f68d1a)
- make: export hashed PyPI requirements (7e0d7f0)
- make: lint and apply cue module (4ccc220)
- make: parametrize cluster dev instance names (228eae8)
- make: set codespace default machine to 64GB disk (5d7f747)
- make: update pre-commit targets (98d4c7c)
- make: update python lock targets (40fbfb5)
- make: update section headings (37d1a64)
- make: use pre-commit set git meta variables (5063e86)
- mergify: remove base branch constraint (d9c4810)
- meta: sync versions with pyproject.toml (97d3c25)
- pre-commit: exclude dev dir (a882457)
- pre-commit: remove set-git-env (2c51524)
- pre-commit: skip local hooks in ci (bb26f98)
- pre-commit: update local hooks (42bc4e7)
- pyproject: remove
(16cd201) - resources: add cue versions (6b03d3d)
- set-git-env: account for absence of newline (8b475a1)
- setup_environment: add workflows group (fdbecc0)
- vscode: do not search cue module dependencies (c3868cb)
0.2.0-beta.2 (2024-01-03)
Bug Fixes
- git: rename master to main (c608f9c)
0.2.0-beta.1 (2024-01-03)
- add merge queue configuration (#470) (14c9328)
- argo: add build-images workflow (6697f55)
- cid: init cid workflow (0482ea9)
- codecov: init repo config (d09736c)
- compose: add compose for jupyter server (b6a4ce8)
- containers: add pkg and gpu Dockerfiles (690fa7b)
- devcontainter: update configuration for flake (37475e5)
- devshell: add manual activation script (36fe896)
- docs: add repo
to history (86625a8) - flake: add CUDA env vars to devcontainerConfig (e004597)
- flake: init (8a11673)
- flyte: add config templates (511f6cb)
- gha: add build-images workflow (abb7266)
- make: add ci targets (8a7c250)
- make: add nix targets (8037ad1)
- make: add target to print tree (4080c08)
- make: add target to replace vars in config file (4e9e1a9)
- make: add targets to configure dev env (10aa781)
- make: add targets to set gh vars and secrets (da50e44)
- make: add targets to setup dev env (b69015d)
- make: add update_version target (4a352d3)
- pyproject: add jupyter server to docs group (68eabde)
- scripts: add script to activate nix flake (2283f11)
- scripts: update flake to accept cmd arg (01c2e94)
- vscode: config debug launch for cli (610fb8a)
Bug Fixes
- app: restrict workflow to main (5331fc5)
- cid: enable impure nix build (936d150)
- cid: ignore
(fdf0cb4) - cid: reenable docs build jobs (efe61c2)
- cid: restrict build and release images to x86_64 (6162007)
- cid: set NUMBA_CACHE_DIR to runner.temp (6d759a7), closes /
- cml-images: reenable CML image workflow (#485) (815e616)
- colab: reenable pytorch and nvidia channels (53f60c4)
- conda: sync virtual packages with colab (75261d8)
- containers: git move from dockerfiles (a56e5ad)
- direnv: use flake (2f4a3b7)
- docs: add CID and GH pages to status (ca1dc54)
- docs: add colab badge to template notebook (7df9970)
- docs: clone branch or tag in colab template (623048c)
- envrc: move direnv vars to .env (4a1b343)
- flake: add devPackages for rust term IDE (3f21d7d)
- flake: add nvitop to sysPackages for gpu mon (b65ebbf)
- flake: disable checkPhase (07123f1)
- flake: disable llvmlite wheel for all systems (c9db64d)
- flake: numba depends on tbb_2021_8 (d0e326b)
- flake: print value of
(70c9587) - flake: set NUMBA_CACHE_DIR in default checkPhase (d135d41)
- flake: set ref beta (a9c0728)
- flake: switch poetry2nix patch ref (3988172)
- flake: switch to stable poetry2nix patch branch (820fa94)
- gha: add setup_environment action (a1d4d30)
- gha: disable independent actions (f3ae9fb)
- gha: rename containers folder (0e4ccd9)
- gha: rename deploy to app (1540985)
- git: rename master to main (6743eeb)
- labeler: add workflow_dispatch (74cf8bf)
- labels: add PR workflow control labels (b5649fd)
- make: add git ref/rev vars (1f70ea0)
- make: add package dev targets (0d31924)
- make: disable setting CODECOV_TOKEN (d366338)
- make: universally accept flake config (f8540f3)
- make: update docs targets (dccf668)
- mergify: queue method fast-forward (f13bb43)
- mergify: update
names (e07cefd) - meta: add pyrovelocity-reviewers to codeowners (b5c1a77)
- pre-commit: lint (5cddc71)
- pre-commit: sync config with pyproject.toml (becd02e)
- pyproject: enable pytorch and nvidia channels for conda-lock export (0f9cdec)
- pyproject: move to src (4e222fc)
- pyproject: pin
(134cede) - pyproject: remove pipeline components (3c08f46)
- pyproject: update conda-lock deps (4fa975a)
- pyproject: update docs dependencies (77fe0e3)
- pyproject: update tool configs (34621ec)
- pyrovelocity: move to src (5f70c46)
- setup_environment: add pandoc (2901217)
- vscode: update font sizes (4ea8f6e)
- vscode: update settings for devcontainer (3113bef)
0.1.3 (2023-09-05)
- See 0.1.3
0.1.2 (2023-04-16)
- See 0.1.2
0.1.1 (2023-02-16)
- See 0.1.1
0.1.0 (2022-09-05)
- See 0.1.0