%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
from IPython.display import Image, display
In this notebook we illustrate how to download and review results using unrealistic simulated data. Therefore, nothing in this notebook should be taken to represent the results of applying the model to real data.
When testing or prototyping it is helpful to review the results of a workflow execution interactively. This is relatively straightforward when working with locally executed workflows as demonstrated in Usage. However it is increasingly the case that the data set sizes and model training resources will not be available or accessible locally, we would like to be able to interactively review results even when they have been computed in a remote cluster with sufficient resources.
In this guide we therefore illustrate working with the results of workflows that have been executed remotely. In this particular case, GitHub OAuth access is required to the endpoint associated to the workflow execution. Given this access, setup the remote client,
Login to the UI and copy the URI of the workflow or task whose inputs and outputs you want to review, and provide these to the get
method of the remote client,
workflow_inputs = remote.get(
postprocessing_outputs = remote.get(
This will not download the results but will provide a summary of the outputs.
from omegaconf import OmegaConf
from flytekit.interaction.string_literals import literal_map_string_repr
from pyrovelocity.utils import print_config_tree
inputs_dict = literal_map_string_repr(workflow_inputs.literals)
inputs_dictconfig = OmegaConf.create(inputs_dict)
outputs_dict = literal_map_string_repr(postprocessing_outputs.literals)
outputs_dictconfig = OmegaConf.create(outputs_dict)
└── download_dataset_args: data_external_path: data/external data_set_name: simulated data_url: null n_obs: 3000.0 n_vars: 2000.0 source: simulate postprocess_configuration: number_posterior_samples: 4.0 postprocessing_resource_limits: cpu: '16' ephemeral_storage: 200Gi gpu: '0' mem: 60Gi postprocessing_resource_requests: cpu: '8' ephemeral_storage: 50Gi gpu: '0' mem: 30Gi preprocess_data_args: adata: data/external/simulated.h5ad cell_state: leiden count_threshold: 0.0 data_processed_path: data/processed data_set_name: simulated default_velocity_mode: dynamical min_shared_counts: 30.0 n_neighbors: 30.0 n_obs_subset: 300.0 n_pcs: 30.0 n_top_genes: 2000.0 n_vars_subset: 200.0 overwrite: false process_cytotrace: false use_obs_subset: true use_vars_subset: true vector_field_basis: umap summarizing_resource_limits: cpu: '16' ephemeral_storage: 200Gi gpu: '0' mem: 60Gi summarizing_resource_requests: cpu: '8' ephemeral_storage: 50Gi gpu: '0' mem: 30Gi train_model_configuration_1: adata: data/processed/simulated_processed.h5ad batch_size: -1.0 cell_specific_kinetics: null data_set_name: simulated force: false guide_type: auto_t0_constraint include_prior: true input_type: raw kinetics_num: 2.0 learning_rate: 0.01 library_size: true likelihood: Poisson log_every: 100.0 max_epochs: 300.0 model_identifier: model1 model_type: auto num_samples: 30.0 offset: false patient_improve: 0.0001 patient_init: 45.0 seed: 99.0 use_gpu: auto train_model_configuration_2: adata: data/processed/simulated_processed.h5ad batch_size: -1.0 cell_specific_kinetics: null data_set_name: simulated force: false guide_type: auto include_prior: true input_type: raw kinetics_num: 2.0 learning_rate: 0.01 library_size: true likelihood: Poisson log_every: 100.0 max_epochs: 300.0 model_identifier: model2 model_type: auto num_samples: 30.0 offset: true patient_improve: 0.0001 patient_init: 45.0 seed: 99.0 use_gpu: auto train_model_resource_limits: cpu: '16' ephemeral_storage: 200Gi gpu: '1' mem: 60Gi train_model_resource_requests: cpu: '8' ephemeral_storage: 50Gi gpu: '1' mem: 30Gi upload_results: false
└── o0: postprocessed_data: path: gs://pyro-284215-flyte-user-pyrovelocity-dev/data/vx/fd61143y/7a24464111b5f463cf6b982271eecd54/postprocessed.h5ad pyrovelocity_data: path: gs://pyro-284215-flyte-user-pyrovelocity-dev/data/vx/fd61143y/0e59fc4fadc56cc5ec930e1bab4a0186/pyrovelocity.pkl.zst
Download the results you would like to review,
from import download_blob_from_uri
pyrovelocity_data = download_blob_from_uri(
postprocessed_data = download_blob_from_uri(
[14:09:31] INFO File pyrovelocity.pkl.zst already exists. The hash of the requested file has not been checked. Delete and re-run to download again.
[14:09:32] INFO File postprocessed.h5ad already exists. The hash of the requested file has not been checked. Delete and re-run to download again.
In this example, we load the postprocessed data from the downloaded file,
import scanpy as sc
from pyrovelocity.utils import print_anndata
adata =
INFO pyrovelocity.utils AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 300 × 200 obs: true_t, u_lib_size_raw, s_lib_size_raw, initial_size_unspliced, initial_size_spliced, initial_size, n_counts, leiden, velocity_self_transition, root_cells, end_points, velocity_pseudotime, latent_time, u_lib_size, s_lib_size, u_lib_size_mean, s_lib_size_mean, u_lib_size_scale, s_lib_size_scale, ind_x, velocity_pyro_self_transition, var: true_t_, true_alpha, true_beta, true_gamma, true_scaling, means, dispersions, dispersions_norm, highly_variable, fit_r2, fit_alpha, fit_beta, fit_gamma, fit_t_, fit_scaling, fit_std_u, fit_std_s, fit_likelihood, fit_u0, fit_s0, fit_pval_steady, fit_steady_u, fit_steady_s, fit_variance, fit_alignment_scaling, velocity_genes, uns: _scvi_manager_uuid, _scvi_uuid, leiden, log1p, neighbors, pca, recover_dynamics, umap, velocity_graph, velocity_graph_neg, velocity_params, velocity_pyro_graph, velocity_pyro_graph_neg, velocity_pyro_params, obsm: X_pca, X_umap, velocity_pyro_pca, velocity_pyro_umap, velocity_umap, varm: PCs, loss, layers: Ms, Mu, fit_t, fit_tau, fit_tau_, raw_spliced, raw_unspliced, spliced, spliced_pyro, unspliced, velocity, velocity_pyro, velocity_u, obsp: connectivities, distances,
as well as the posterior samples,
from pyrovelocity.utils import pretty_print_dict
from import CompressedPickle
posterior_samples = CompressedPickle.load(pyrovelocity_data)
INFO pyrovelocity.utils alpha: (4, 1, 200) gamma: (4, 1, 200) beta: (4, 1, 200) u_offset: (4, 1, 200) s_offset: (4, 1, 200) t0: (4, 1, 200) u_scale: (4, 1, 200) dt_switching: (4, 1, 200) u_inf: (4, 1, 200) s_inf: (4, 1, 200) switching: (4, 1, 200) cell_time: (4, 300, 1) u_read_depth: (4, 300, 1) s_read_depth: (4, 300, 1) cell_gene_state: (4, 300, 200) gene_ranking: mean_mae time_correlation mean_mae_rank time_correlation_rank \ genes 1839 -1.003846 0.668120 36.0 6.0 927 -1.007514 0.666899 170.0 7.0 15 -1.007746 0.649332 174.5 9.0 1335 -1.008876 0.618205 189.0 17.0 819 -1.006924 0.611386 157.0 20.0 ... ... ... ... ... 1211 -1.004797 -0.682012 58.0 5.0 707 -1.001553 -0.693052 5.0 4.0 1055 -1.006048 -0.742795 120.0 3.0 1911 -1.005882 -0.750126 106.0 2.0 1751 -1.002551 -0.860600 11.0 1.0 rank_product selected genes genes 1839 216.0 1 927 1190.0 1 15 1570.5 1 1335 3213.0 1 819 3140.0 0 ... ... ... 1211 290.0 0 707 20.0 0 1055 360.0 0 1911 212.0 0 1751 11.0 0 [200 rows x 6 columns] original_spaces_embeds_magnitude: (4, 300) genes: ['1839', '927', '15', '1335'] vector_field_posterior_samples: (4, 300, 2) vector_field_posterior_mean: (300, 2) fdri: (300,) embeds_magnitude: (4, 300) embeds_angle: (4, 300) ut_mean: (300, 200) st_mean: (300, 200) pca_vector_field_posterior_samples: (4, 300, 50) pca_embeds_angle: (4, 300) pca_fdri: (300,)
In this case, we extract the gene selection data by cooptimizing MAE and correlation between spliced expression levels and estimates of temporal ordering
from pyrovelocity.analysis.analyze import pareto_frontier_genes
volcano_data = posterior_samples["gene_ranking"]
number_of_marker_genes = min(
max(int(len(volcano_data) * 0.1), 4), 6, len(volcano_data)
putative_marker_genes = pareto_frontier_genes(
volcano_data, number_of_marker_genes
INFO pyrovelocity.analysis.analyze Found 4 genes on the current Pareto frontier: ['787', '1635', '1379', '1839'] Genes identified thus far: 4. Number of iterations: 1. Number of genes remaining: 196.
INFO pyrovelocity.analysis.analyze Found 10 genes on the current Pareto frontier: ['227', '487', '1791', '1863', '667', '1891', '507', '1739', '819', '927'] Genes identified thus far: 14. Number of iterations: 2. Number of genes remaining: 186.
INFO pyrovelocity.analysis.analyze Found 6 genes on the Pareto frontier for 6 requested: ['1839', '1379', '1635', '487', '787', '227']
Here we re-generate the gene selection summary plot.
from pyrovelocity.plots import plot_gene_selection_summary
vector_field_basis = inputs_dictconfig.preprocess_data_args.vector_field_basis
cell_state = inputs_dictconfig.preprocess_data_args.cell_state
One of the primary applications of interactive review may be to explore specific genes of interest. Here we generate phase portraits for a randomly selected list of genes.
from pyrovelocity.plots import rainbowplot
vector_field_basis = inputs_dictconfig.preprocess_data_args.vector_field_basis
cell_state = inputs_dictconfig.preprocess_data_args.cell_state
genes=["1839", "927", "15"],
data=["st", "ut"],
Of course, you can generate any plot of interest relevant to the loaded data. See the plots package source, plots API reference, and the guide for the workflow summarization task for ideas regarding built-in or custom plots.
We may also want to write data tables to review. Here we save the parameter posterior distribution table
from pyrovelocity.utils import save_parameter_posterior_mean_dataframe
[14:09:36] INFO pyrovelocity.utils Saving gene parameter posteriors to file: gene_parameter_posterior_mean.csv
genes | alpha | gamma | beta | u_offset | s_offset | t0 | u_scale | dt_switching | u_inf | s_inf | switching | |
0 | 1863 | 1.090205 | 0.788779 | 0.966727 | 0.620779 | 1.080824 | 0.218659 | 1.072475 | 2.043649 | 1.067489 | 1.157247 | 2.262308 |
1 | 1407 | 1.024248 | 1.088252 | 0.886045 | 1.336966 | 1.134436 | 0.627856 | 0.924719 | 1.326645 | 1.213980 | 1.028671 | 1.954501 |
2 | 315 | 1.082072 | 1.040901 | 0.899161 | 0.920958 | 1.182562 | 0.487634 | 1.031028 | 2.404402 | 1.177145 | 0.992404 | 2.892036 |
3 | 703 | 0.982490 | 0.854165 | 0.717255 | 1.274151 | 1.368424 | 0.171627 | 1.046709 | 1.645326 | 1.329633 | 1.169379 | 1.816953 |
4 | 1323 | 1.420463 | 1.227117 | 0.936196 | 1.028127 | 1.285210 | 0.499816 | 1.069240 | 1.877240 | 1.438287 | 1.061902 | 2.377056 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
195 | 747 | 0.593783 | 1.031027 | 0.779106 | 1.030868 | 0.602910 | 0.620571 | 0.978898 | 1.284303 | 0.854485 | 0.659183 | 1.904874 |
196 | 719 | 1.002902 | 1.035796 | 0.699358 | 1.164095 | 1.143919 | 0.649327 | 1.120645 | 1.534864 | 1.343365 | 0.928660 | 2.184191 |
197 | 1643 | 0.619133 | 0.825777 | 0.616148 | 1.142931 | 1.026547 | 0.684242 | 1.030634 | 0.951345 | 1.080208 | 0.915330 | 1.635587 |
198 | 731 | 1.272141 | 1.203129 | 1.038413 | 1.071966 | 1.073122 | 0.445968 | 0.983364 | 2.028294 | 1.205174 | 1.023040 | 2.474262 |
199 | 463 | 0.690107 | 0.758670 | 0.851763 | 1.255275 | 0.799284 | 0.149615 | 0.926398 | 1.763004 | 0.910955 | 1.046574 | 1.912619 |
200 rows × 12 columns
and the gene selection table
mean_mae | time_correlation | mean_mae_rank | time_correlation_rank | rank_product | selected genes | |
genes | ||||||
1839 | -1.003846 | 0.668120 | 36.0 | 6.0 | 216.0 | 1 |
927 | -1.007514 | 0.666899 | 170.0 | 7.0 | 1190.0 | 1 |
15 | -1.007746 | 0.649332 | 174.5 | 9.0 | 1570.5 | 1 |
1335 | -1.008876 | 0.618205 | 189.0 | 17.0 | 3213.0 | 1 |
819 | -1.006924 | 0.611386 | 157.0 | 20.0 | 3140.0 | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1211 | -1.004797 | -0.682012 | 58.0 | 5.0 | 290.0 | 0 |
707 | -1.001553 | -0.693052 | 5.0 | 4.0 | 20.0 | 0 |
1055 | -1.006048 | -0.742795 | 120.0 | 3.0 | 360.0 | 0 |
1911 | -1.005882 | -0.750126 | 106.0 | 2.0 | 212.0 | 0 |
1751 | -1.002551 | -0.860600 | 11.0 | 1.0 | 11.0 | 0 |
200 rows × 6 columns