End-to-end notebook usage example


Pyro -Velocity team


This notebook demonstrates how to run Pyro -Velocity in a Jupyter notebook on downsampled data. The results are not expected to be meaningful, but the notebook demonstrates the usage workflow with both a short execution time and using limited resources. It attempts to support both Google Colab and local or remote Jupyter kernel servers. Links to a blank copy of the notebook are provided below.


single-cell transcriptomics, probabilistic modeling, dynamical systems, RNA velocity

Open In Colab

print("This cell is intentionally left blank.") 

1 Setup environment

print("This cell is intentionally left blank.") 

There are a number of cells in this notebook with

print("This cell is intentionally left blank.") 

These can be safely ignored or removed. They are exclusively used for compatibility with Google Colab's section folding logic.

1.1 Overview

Installation should take less than 10 minutes.

If you are running on a local or remote Jupyter server outside of Google Colab, we assume you have already installed pyrovelocity in the same environment in which the Jupyter kernel is running. If you have not, ensure you are in a virtual environment with python 3.11 active (we recommend pyenv or miniforge), and then you can install the development version from github with

pip install pyrovelocity[workflows] @ git+https://github.com/pinellolab/pyrovelocity.git@beta

or a recent release from PyPI

pip install pyrovelocity[workflows]==0.2.0b12

We also support installation from the anaconda conda-forge channel

mamba install \
  -c pytorch -c nvidia -c conda-forge \
  pytorch::pytorch conda-forge/label/pyrovelocity_dev::pyrovelocity

We do not use this option here because we find in Google Colab installation via anaconda takes about twice as long as from PyPI.

With respect to resource requirements, this notebook should be able to be run on any modern laptop. By default, the data are downsampled to 300 observations and training epochs truncated to 300 by setting the PYROVELOCITY_TESTING_FLAG to True. If you are running in Google Colab, then even in this testing mode, if you have access to High-RAM or T4 GPU runtimes this can significantly speed up library installation and execution. For a complete analysis with PYROVELOCITY_TESTING_FLAG disabled, at least High-RAM or T4 GPU runtimes are essentially required to execute in a reasonable amount of time. In this case, if you do not have a subscription to Google Colab Pro, running on a laptop should be sufficient for the data set we analyze here.

The following section involves checking if the notebook is running in colab, in which case it is certain that you will need to install or reinstall pyrovelocity. The simplest way to complete it is to run the Setup environment section, wait for the kernel to restart, and then run the same section again:

  • fold this Setup environment section above
  • click the play button underneath the section name to run the whole section for the first time
  • wait for the kernel to restart
    • ignore expected notice in bottom left of Colab UI
      • Your session crashed for an unknown reason. View runtime logs
    • ignore SystemExit output in the Install pyrovelocity subsection below
  • refold the Setup environment section (SystemExit / kernel restart will unfold it)
  • proceed to Analysis below

Otherwise, the cells below can be executed manually. In either case, this section can be folded away after installation is complete.

If you need to edit the version number, please see the argument passed to install_package in the setup_pyrovelocity function below.

1.2 Install library

This first stage will download and install pyrovelocity. This usually takes less than 4 minutes. The runtime will then automatically restart. After this you can execute “Run all” to complete installation or proceed linearly below if you have added additional content you do not want to run all at once.

1.2.1 Define functions to manage installation of python libraries

import importlib.util
import subprocess
import sys

def is_module_available(module_name: str):
    return importlib.util.find_spec(module_name) is not None

def install_package(package_name: str):
    Install a package using pip. This is similar to cell magic
    `!pip install package_name`, but in python code for compatibility
    outside jupyter.

        package_name (str): Name of the package to install.
    process = subprocess.Popen(
        ["pip", "install", "-q", package_name],
    for line in process.stdout:
        print(line, end="")
    for line in process.stderr:
        print(line, end="")

def setup_pyrovelocity():
    if is_module_available("pyrovelocity"):
            import pyrovelocity
        except (ImportError, AssertionError):
            print("pyrovelocity is not successfully installed")
        print("Installing pyrovelocity...")
        install_package("pyrovelocity[workflows] @ git+https://github.com/pinellolab/pyrovelocity.git@beta")
            import pyrovelocity

                "\nThe kernel needs to restart in order to use pyrovelocity.\n"
                "Please run this cell again.\n"
        except (ImportError, AssertionError):
            print("Failed to install pyrovelocity properly.")

1.2.2 Install pyrovelocity

import os

IN_COLAB = is_module_available("google.colab")

    colab_release_tag = os.getenv("COLAB_RELEASE_TAG", None)
    print(f"Google Colab release: {colab_release_tag}")

    from google.colab import output
    print("This notebook is probably not running in Google Colab")

1.3 Check installation

If installation was successful, the following commands should print the location of the __init__.py file for the pyrovelocity package and the currently installed version.

import pyrovelocity

Please refer to the docs for tutorials and usage information.

In case there is an issue with pyrovelocity installation, the above output should be analogous to that shown below for the pyro package.

import pyro

You can find links to pyrovelocity documentation and source code in the help below.

2 Analysis

In this section we demonstrate how to run a comprehensive analysis from accessing data to plotting results.

import os
os.environ["PYROVELOCITY_TESTING_FLAG"] = "True"

import logging

Before we start, we set a few environment variables to ensure our first execution occurs in a lightweight test mode with a subset of observations, variables, training epochs, and posterior samples. We also set a few log levels. Feel free to adjust these to ERROR, DEBUG, etc as needed.

After an initial review, we can set the PYROVELOCITY_TESTING_FLAG environment variable to False to run the full analysis.

The library supports execution via a sequence of workflow tasks. The approximate outline of these involves accessing external data, preprocessing, model training, postprocessing, and summarization.

We import these tasks and execute them in the subsections below.

import yaml

import pyrovelocity.utils
import pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow
from pyrovelocity.utils import print_config_tree
from pyrovelocity.utils import print_docstring
from pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow import download_data
from pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow import postprocess_data
from pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow import preprocess_data
from pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow import summarize_data
from pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow import train_model

If you install the package in editable mode with pip install -e for development purposes, you may find it helpful to use

from importlib import reload


We leave this out of this notebook since it is intended as a usage example.

To execute each task requires a single WorkflowConfiguration object, which is an instance of a python dataclass. In this notebook we illustrate execution with the standard pancreatic endocrinogenesis data set [1]. First we import the configuration dataclass

from pyrovelocity.workflows.main_configuration import pancreas_configuration

We can review the configuration dataclass by writing it to a yaml file or printing the dictionary representation to the console.

pancreas_configuration_dict = pancreas_configuration.to_dict()
print_config_tree(pancreas_configuration_dict, "pancreas configuration")

with open("pancreas_configuration.yaml", "w") as yaml_file:
    yaml.dump(pancreas_configuration_dict, yaml_file, sort_keys=False, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True)

Feel free to open the pancreas_configuration.yaml file to review the configuration settings. We will reprint the part of that configuration relevant to the execution of each task below. The resource requests and limits sections will be irrelevant for this example of local execution. The resource specifications are utilized during local or remote cluster-based execution of distributed containerized workflows.

2.1 Download data

To download data, we provide the download_data task function with the download_dataset attribute of the pancreas_configuration object.

print_config_tree(pancreas_configuration.download_dataset.to_dict(), "download dataset")

This configuration primarily specifies the location to store the data and the data set name that is mapped to a source URL in the pyrovelocity.utils.datasets module. The other parameters can be used to specify a custom source URL or to filter the observations and variables to a subset of the full data set; however, since we are working with a natively supported data set we do not need to specify those here.

During local execution, all of the functions imported from the pyrovelocity.workflows.main_workflow module will cache their results. This means that if you run the same task function with the same arguments, it will not recompute the result, but just establish the presence of a cache hit. This is useful for avoiding redundant computation, but if you want to re-execute the function for testing, experimentation or other purposes. To avoid this, you can use the pyrovelocity.utils.clear_local_cache function to clear the cache. If you add the following block of code, the cache will be cleared whenever it is executed:

from pyrovelocity.utils import clear_local_cache


You can also disable the cache setting the PYROVELOCITY_CACHE_FLAG environment variable to False. For example, you can add the following block of code to the notebook to disable the cache for all task functions:

import os
os.environ["PYROVELOCITY_CACHE_FLAG"] = "False"

For reference, during local execution, the cache is managed with a sqlite database by the diskcache library via flytekit.

data = download_data(download_dataset_args=pancreas_configuration.download_dataset)

2.2 Preprocess data

The preprocess data task is executed with the preprocess_data function. The preprocess_data function takes the FlyteFile object, here named data above, from download_data task function and the preprocess_data attribute of the pancreas_configuration object as arguments.

print_config_tree(pancreas_configuration.preprocess_data.to_dict(), "preprocess data")

The components of the preprocess data configuration are determined by the components of the pyrovelocity.preprocess.preprocess_dataset function whose documentation can be accessed via help or ? in the notebook


Recall that the output of the preprocess_data function below will be cached and should rerun almost instantaneously if you re-execute the cell multiple times.

processed_data = preprocess_data(

Flyte preprocess input data path: /var/folders/gm/sczlkg_x4kd39019wn_f7hy80000gn/T/flyte-0fiovuo5/raw/be77049e1a6f7f5a014855d8db50ecd5/pancreas.h5ad
[17:58:45] INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.data Reading input file:                                                    
[17:58:46] INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.preprocess extracting 300 observation subset from 3696 observations         
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.preprocess                                                                  
                    Verifying existence of path for:                                                               
                      processed data: data/processed                                                               
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.preprocess                                                                  
                    Preprocessing pancreas data :                                                                  
                      to processed: data/processed/pancreas_processed.h5ad                                         
           INFO     pyrovelocity.utils                                                                             
                    AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 300 × 27998                                               
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.preprocess data/processed/pancreas_processed.h5ad exists                    

Flyte preprocess output data path: data/processed/pancreas_processed.h5ad

2.3 Train model

The train model task is executed with the train_model function. The train_model task function takes the FlyteFile object, here named processed_data above, from preprocess_data task function and one of the PyrovelocityTrainInterface objects such as is found in the training_configuration_1 attribute of the pancreas_configuration object as arguments.

The configuration is given by

print_config_tree(pancreas_configuration.training_configuration_1.to_dict(), "train model 1")

The PyrovelocityTrainInterface is a configuration for the pyrovelocity.tasks.train.train_dataset function whose documentation we print below.


Finally, we execute the train_model task function

model_output = train_model(

Flyte train model input data path: /var/folders/gm/sczlkg_x4kd39019wn_f7hy80000gn/T/flyte-0fiovuo5/raw/327097e0a301e42c089e0124bfcfc8c6/pancreas_processed.h5ad
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train                                                                       
                    Training: pancreas_model1                                                                      
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train                                                                       
                    Verifying existence of paths for:                                                              
                      model data: models/pancreas_model1                                                           
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train Accelerator type specified as auto resolves to:                       
                            accelerator: cpu                                                                       
                            devices: 1                                                                             
                            device: cpu                                                                            
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train                                                                       
                    all exist, set `force=True` to overwrite.                                                      

Flyte train model outputs:
    data model: pancreas_model1
    data model path: models/pancreas_model1
    trained data path: models/pancreas_model1/trained.h5ad
    model path: models/pancreas_model1/model
    posterior samples path: models/pancreas_model1/posterior_samples.pkl.zst
    metrics path: models/pancreas_model1/metrics.json
    run info path: models/pancreas_model1/run_info.json
    loss plot path: models/pancreas_model1/ELBO.png

This produces the model_output object, which is an instance of the TrainingOutputs dataclass.

print_config_tree(model_output.to_dict(), "model output")

Due to caching, the paths to the model outputs will involve temporary folders, but the relevant outputs are also available in the models folder next to the notebook.

2.4 Postprocess data

The postprocess data task is executed with the postprocess_data function. The postprocess_data function takes the preprocess data configuration, the training outputs, here named model_output above, from the train_model task function and the postprocess_configuration attribute of the pancreas_configuration object as arguments.

print_config_tree(pancreas_configuration.postprocess_configuration.to_dict(), "postprocess data")

The configuration required to postprocess the data are determined by the components of the pyrovelocity.tasks.postprocess.postprocess_dataset function interface whose documentation can be accessed via help or ? in the notebook


We execute the postprocess_data task function with the inputs described above.

You can safely remove and dedent code executed in the context of SuppressOutput in a notebook execution environment.

The SuppressOutput context manager is used to suppress some of the output of the function calls placed in its context. This is purely used as a work-around for compatibility with multiple output formats such as html and pdf and it will be removed in the future. It is not necessary for the execution of the postprocess_data function in general or for execution in a notebook in particular.

from pyrovelocity.utils import SuppressOutput 

with SuppressOutput():
  postprocessing_outputs = postprocess_data(

3 Results

Now we have what is required to construct a summary of the results. The summarize_data task function takes the preprocessing configuration, postprocessing_outputs object and the model_outputs and generates a suite of plots summarizing the results.

dataset_summary = summarize_data(

The call to summarize_data generates a large number of plots which are saved to the dataset_summary.data_model_reports.path. This currently resolves to a subfolder of ./reports. The name of the subfolder joins the data set name with the name of the model type. We capture the plot outputs to prevent them from generating a very long cell output. We review several of the plots in Section 3.1. The remaining plots are available in the dataset_summary.data_model_reports.path folder. If you cannot locate it in the file browser, you can execute


after the cell containing the call to summarize_data completes to verify the path where the plots are located.

The dataset summary contains

print_config_tree(dataset_summary.to_dict(), "dataset summary")

3.1 Data set review

from IPython.display import Image, display

The maximum values of the unspliced and spliced count data for each gene across cells is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Maximum spliced and unsliced transcript counts data for each gene across all cells with marginal histograms.

3.2 Cell state transformation vector field estimates

A vector field estimate of cell state transformation probability derived from RNA velocity estimates with cluster annotations is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Vector field

3.2.1 Vector field uncertainty estimates

Figure 3 shows a low-dimensional representation of the RNA velocity vector fields with uncertainty estimates for shared time and angle. The latter quantity is estimated in PCA space. The base magnitude uncertainty is also shown but may not be interpretable.

Figure 3: Vector fields with uncertainty estimates.

3.3 Gene selection

A volcano plot adapted for probabilistic inference of RNA velocity is shown in Figure 4. This plot shows the mean absolute error versus shared time correlation for each gene.

Figure 4: RNA velocity volcano plot showing mean absolute error versus shared time correlation for each gene.

3.3.1 Splice state phase portraits

Figure 5 shows the splice state phase portraits, estimated expression levels over shared time, and shared time correlation for a subset of selected genes.

Figure 5: Splice state phase portraits, estimated expression levels over shared time, and shared time correlation for a subset of selected genes.

3.3.2 Summary

A summary of the gene selection results is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Summary of gene selection results.

3.4 Uncertainty estimation

3.4.1 Parameter estimates

Estimates for parameter uncertainties for a subset of genes are shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Centered parameter uncertainties for a subset of genes.

3.4.2 Shared time

Figure 8 shows the distribution of coefficients of variation together with the mean and standard deviation (uncertainty) of the shared time for each cell. A kernel density estimate in the shared time uncertainty plot highlights the 90th percentile of the shared time standard deviation.

Figure 8: Distribution of shared time coefficients of variation together with standard deviation (uncertainty) and mean per cell.

4 Experimentation

After having reviewed results that are currently computed systematically, we can also load the data and experiment.

print("This cell is intentionally left blank.") 

Here we will load the data and posterior samples, perform the analysis used to generate the volcano plot for gene selection, and then regenerate the plot of phase portraits, temporal evolution, and shared time correlation. It would be straightforward, and perhaps preferable in some cases, to extract all the relevant parameters from the configuration dataclass object we referenced in each section above, but we will intentionally hard-code values to be concrete. Of course, feel free to generalize these as might suit your use case.

To load the posterior samples and postprocessed data

import pyrovelocity as pv
import scanpy as sc

logger = pv.logging.configure_logging("pyrovelocity.user_notebook")

posterior_samples = pv.io.CompressedPickle.load("models/pancreas_model1/pyrovelocity.pkl.zst")
adata = sc.read("models/pancreas_model1/postprocessed.h5ad")

to generate the marker genes

volcano_data = posterior_samples["gene_ranking"] 
putative_marker_genes = pv.analysis.analyze.pareto_frontier_genes(volcano_data=volcano_data, num_genes=6)
           INFO     pyrovelocity.analysis.analyze                                                                  
                    Found 7 genes on the current Pareto frontier:                                                  
                      ['Hspe1', 'Hnrnpm', 'Ssr4', 'Chd7', 'Anxa4', 'Smarca1', 'Mki67']                             
                    Genes identified thus far: 7.                                                                  
                    Number of iterations: 1.                                                                       
                    Number of genes remaining: 190.                                                                
           INFO     pyrovelocity.analysis.analyze                                                                  
                    Found 6 genes on the Pareto frontier for 6 requested:                                          
                      ['Smarca1', 'Anxa4', 'Chd7', 'Ssr4', 'Hnrnpm', 'Hspe1']                                      

In Figure 9 we show the manually generated marker gene phase portraits, temporal evolution, and shared time correlation.

with SuppressOutput():
      data=["st", "ut"],
Figure 9: Manually generated phase portrait, temporal dynamics, and shared time correlation rainbow plot.

See Note 5 if you need to know what SuppressOutput is doing.

The best place to review the approach to generating the above plots is in the source code for the pyrovelocity.tasks.summarize module or in the docs. Additional links are shown in the help below.

5 Training and postprocessing for an alternative model

In this section we will train and show the results of an alternative model. This time we will proceed quickly through the analysis with less discussion of the various configuration settings and associated task functions.

print("This cell is intentionally left blank.") 

5.1 Train model

We will now use the training_configuration_2 attribute of the pancreas_configuration object to train the model.

print_config_tree(pancreas_configuration.training_configuration_2.to_dict(), "train model 2")

Re-execute the train_model task function with this new configuration.

model_output_2 = train_model(

Flyte train model input data path: /var/folders/gm/sczlkg_x4kd39019wn_f7hy80000gn/T/flyte-0fiovuo5/raw/10cb9a86b75453de16ff91278eed3ec6/pancreas_processed.h5ad
[17:58:49] INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train                                                                       
                    Training: pancreas_model2                                                                      
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train                                                                       
                    Verifying existence of paths for:                                                              
                      model data: models/pancreas_model2                                                           
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train Accelerator type specified as auto resolves to:                       
                            accelerator: cpu                                                                       
                            devices: 1                                                                             
                            device: cpu                                                                            
           INFO     pyrovelocity.tasks.train                                                                       
                    all exist, set `force=True` to overwrite.                                                      

Flyte train model outputs:
    data model: pancreas_model2
    data model path: models/pancreas_model2
    trained data path: models/pancreas_model2/trained.h5ad
    model path: models/pancreas_model2/model
    posterior samples path: models/pancreas_model2/posterior_samples.pkl.zst
    metrics path: models/pancreas_model2/metrics.json
    run info path: models/pancreas_model2/run_info.json
    loss plot path: models/pancreas_model2/ELBO.png

This produces the model_output_2.

print_config_tree(model_output_2.to_dict(), "model output 2")

5.2 Postprocess data

The postprocess data task is executed with the postprocess_data function.

from pyrovelocity.utils import SuppressOutput 

with SuppressOutput():
  postprocessing_outputs_2 = postprocess_data(

6 Alternative model results

Now we have what is required to construct a summary of the results.

dataset_summary_2 = summarize_data(

The dataset summary contains

print_config_tree(dataset_summary_2.to_dict(), "dataset summary")

6.1 Cell state transformation vector field estimates

A vector field estimate of cell state transformation probability derived from RNA velocity estimates with cluster annotations is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Vector field

6.1.1 Vector field uncertainty estimates

Figure 11 shows a low-dimensional representation of the RNA velocity vector fields with uncertainty estimates for shared time and angle. The latter quantity is estimated in PCA space. The base magnitude uncertainty is also shown but may not be interpretable.

Figure 11: Vector fields with uncertainty estimates.

6.2 Gene selection

A volcano plot adapted for probabilistic inference of RNA velocity is shown in Figure 12. This plot shows the mean absolute error versus shared time correlation for each gene.

Figure 12: RNA velocity volcano plot showing mean absolute error versus shared time correlation for each gene.

6.2.1 Splice state phase portraits

Figure 13 shows the splice state phase portraits, estimated expression levels over shared time, and shared time correlation for a subset of selected genes.

Figure 13: Splice state phase portraits, estimated expression levels over shared time, and shared time correlation for a subset of selected genes.

6.2.2 Summary

A summary of the gene selection results is shown in Figure 14.

Figure 14: Summary of gene selection results.

6.3 Uncertainty estimation

6.3.1 Parameter estimates

Estimates for parameter uncertainties for a subset of genes are shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15: Centered parameter uncertainties for a subset of genes.

6.3.2 Shared time

Figure 16 shows the distribution of coefficients of variation together with the mean and standard deviation (uncertainty) of the shared time for each cell. A kernel density estimate in the shared time uncertainty plot highlights the 90th percentile of the shared time standard deviation.

Figure 16: Distribution of shared time coefficients of variation together with standard deviation (uncertainty) and mean per cell.

7 Summary

In this notebook we have demonstrated how to install pyrovelocity and execute a comprehensive workflow to perform a probabilistic analysis of RNA velocity for a single-cell transcriptomics data set in a Jupyter notebook. We default to data downsampled in this case by about a factor of 10 to allow for swift execution to illustrate the analysis workflow. In particular, we have shown how to download data, preprocess it, train a model, postprocess the results, and summarize the data with a compendium of plots. We have also shown how to experiment with the data and posterior samples to generate new plots, and how to train, postprocess, and summarize the results for an alternative model. This information should be sufficient to see how to get started applying pyrovelocity to your own data. We will discuss approaches to model comparison, criticism, and selection in a separate notebook. Please do not hesitate to reach out in the discussions board on github if you run into any problems using the library.



Bastidas-Ponce, A., Tritschler, S., Dony, L., Scheibner, K., Tarquis-Medina, M., Salinno, C., Schirge, S., Burtscher, I., Böttcher, A., Theis, F.J., Lickert, H., Bakhti, M.: Comprehensive single cell mRNA profiling reveals a detailed roadmap for pancreatic endocrinogenesis. Development. 146, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1242/dev.173849